Elevation of the Soul

The Key of Immediate Enlightenment Sample Booklet

The Key of Immediate Enlightenment Sample Booklet presents an introduction to the teachings of Supreme Master Ching Hai. The availability of the booklet in electronic form allows readers around the world to download completely free of charge, or read online, wherever the Internet is accessible. From Afrikaans to Zulu, from Bengali to Urdu, Macedonian, Malay and many more, this gem has been translated into more than 60 languages.

In the booklet, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasizes the importance of meditation practice in daily life. It also includes Her discourses on the higher spiritual dimensions and the benefits of the vegetarian diet, as well as information on initiation into the Quan Yin Method of meditation, which is the most ultimate and highest path. The uplifting insights of Supreme Master Ching Hai in The Key of Immediate Enlightenment offer a ray of hope to those in quest of the Truth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai states, “By attaining inner peace we will attain everything else. All the satisfaction, all the fulfillment of worldly and Heavenly desires comes from the Kingdom of God, the inner realization of our eternal harmony, of our eternal wisdom, and of our almighty power. If we do not get these we never find satisfaction, no matter how much money or power, or how high a position we have.”

For direct access to the Sample Booklet, please visit: http://sb.godsdirectcontact.net/


If your language is not in the list, and you are willing to help translate for the benefit of others, you are welcome to contact us at divine@Godsdirectcontact.org

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