Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest CD

CD-CR12 (Spoken in Chinese)

Positive Thoughts Lead to a Peaceful World

Special gathering in Thailand meditating for world peace, November 25~27 & 29, 2006


Highlights: Many people talk about world peace, but how can we truly stop wars and have real peace? Master explains clearly: “We cannot rely only on our mind to help the world. We cannot possibly use our limited intelligence to attain world peace. We have to use our Supreme Power, our God Nature or Buddha Nature within. If we make good use of this Power, the world will have peace. Since ancient times, the Chinese have always said we should ‘cultivate ourselves, manage the family, govern the country, and pacify the world.’ We do not say that we first attain world peace and then govern the country, or we first govern the country and then manage the family or cultivate ourselves. That would be too late. We must first pursue spiritual practice.”


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