Panorama of Events


Sharing the Noble Lifestyle

By Georgia News Group (Originally in English)

[Georgia] On July 14 and 15, Golden Year 4 (2007), Georgia Center participated in the annual Asian Festival at the Atlanta Botanical Garden and served homemade vegetarian recipes from various countries. Each year in July, for the past five years, Georgia Center has been dedicating their time and love to spread the benefits of the compassionate vegetarian diet as well as Master’s noble teaching.

Many people passing by were delighted when they learned that vegetarian dishes could be so delicious and healthy. Numerous children were thrilled to have their first bite of a vegetarian dumpling, and one could only smile when watching their parents’ beaming faces. Initiates distributed Master’s sample books, Supreme Master Television and Alternative Living flyers. Some visitors asked about the Convenient Method of meditation, wanting to spread vegetarianism to their family members. As the day quickly passed, brothers and sisters could not believe how much food had been bought. With Master’s love, the festival raised more funds than the previous years. Georgia Center plans to use this fund to promote Alternative Living and Supreme Master Television. At the end of the festival, initiates and all their families and friends left with an optimistic spirit, glad to have assisted and spread the advantages of living a noble, healthy lifestyle.


Bringing Master’s Love to the Festival
By Indiana News Group (Originally in English)

[Fort Wayne] From July 14 to July 22, Golden Year 4 (2007), Fort Wayne in Indiana, USA, hosted the annual Three River Festival - one of the biggest festivals of its kind, with an estimated attendance of 500,000 people.

Association members from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois, took advantage of this great opportunity and reserved two booths for the two weekends. Master Ching Hai’s pictures, paintings, DVDs, CDs and books were displayed and Association members also promoted Supreme Master Television, distributed Alternative Living flyers and shoulder bags, along with other information regarding vegetarianism. Television programs from Supreme Master TV were shown for all booth visitors to enjoy and children were given hot-air balloons printed with the TV station’s web address. Additionally, two young Association members dressed in costumes as Pluto and a pig, attracted plenty of children and adults.

Many guests stopped by to admire the beautiful life-like portrait of Master Ching Hai and many also inquired about the vegetarian diet, as well as the positive programs on Supreme Master Television.

Association members felt happy and very grateful to Master for giving them the opportunity to help other brothers and sisters out there to find God in the very near future.



Take Every Opportunity to Learn
By Boston News Group (Original in English)

[Massachusetts] Applying Master’s teachings to daily activities, on July 14 and 15, Golden Year 4 (2007), Boston Center hosted two classes on Adult and Child CPR and First Aid. The video-based classes were professionally conducted by a certified and experienced Red Cross instructor, who is a brother initiate and a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In a relaxed atmosphere, our brothers and sisters carefully practiced each and every life-saving skill. We realized that the knowledge and skills of CPR and First Aid are very practical and beneficial, yet are easy to learn. At the end of the class, the instructor helped us reinforce what we learned with a short test and practical review. A total of 22 brothers and sisters became certified. We strongly encourage everyone to learn CPR for in an emergency, every second counts.


With deep compassion for animals and concerned about repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases among animals and humans, Master has offered the world a fundamental solution to the problem by personally designing a friendly but convincing leaflet entitled “Alternative Living” to remind people to choose the vegetarian diet and stop killing in order to overcome global medical crises and save our fellow beings. Master has also instructed all initiates to share this message with their brothers and sisters in every corner of the world. In response, the practitioners have initiated an all-out effort to share Her words of love.

Events Datebook

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URL: