My Car Takes Full Service Only!
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Florida, USA,
February 3, 2003 (Originally in English) DVD #755
A young woman was sitting in her stalled car, waiting for help. Finally, two men walked up to her. “I’m out of gas,” she purred. “Could you push me to a service station?” They readily put their muscles to the car and rolled it for several blocks. After a while one looked up, exhausted, only to see that they had just passed a filling station. “How come you didn’t turn in?” he yelled. “I never go there,” the woman shouted back. “They don’t have full service!”* *A full-service station is one where
the personnel provides gasoline, windshield cleaning, oil check, everything
– so the customer does not need to step out of the car. To enjoy the original sound track of this joke: Go!!