Love in Action
Bringing Winter Comfort to
School Children in Hapuru Community
By sister initiate Peruzk, Cusco, Peru (Originally in Spanish)
The preparation work started a week earlier because Hapuru Community is located in the Andean Mountain Range, where it is very cold. The brothers and sisters brought warm clothes, provisions, notebooks, pens and other things that would be useful to the people in that community. On June 22, many of us gathered in the Center to sort the clothes according to ages and packed 6 big sacks. After a 15-hour journey by bus and car, we finally arrived at Hapuru Community. When we reached the school, all the children were anxiously waiting for us, with some parents and the Principal of the school. They formed a line and very excitedly came to receive the gifts sent by God. All the children had big smiles as they enjoyed the candies! After we had finished, the villagers offered us some food as a token of gratitude, as well as some poetry and joyous dancing from the children. Our journey to Harpuru helped remind us
that everything is in God’s hands and it was an incredible experience!
Thank You Master for such a wonderful opportunity to serve others.