Master’s Words
We Must Fight with All Our Might
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Klagentfurt, Austria, May 27, 2007 (Originally in Chinese) When we come down here, we’re all confused. If we knew everything when we came down, it would be great! Then there would be no need for me to teach you. If you knew everything already, why would it be necessary for me or any Master to come down? As soon as we come down to this world, we become like this. This is my point. I thus do not blame you for your wrongdoings. I only encourage you to try your best. Otherwise, we will lose. We must try our best, and we must win! We must always practice diligently, meditate and keep the moral standard. Only then can we go up and return to our original Home. We must practice more in order to go back Home. Look at Shakyamuni Buddha: He had to practice austerely for six years, and He had to put down everything, including the whole country, 500 wives and His child. There is no parent who doesn’t love his or her children. But the Buddha had to put down His child to get back to the right path. He spent six years practicing asceticism; He was skinny to the bone and almost died. But still He could not regain His original level, because He practiced the wrong method. You all know He was from Tusita Heaven, which was recorded in the sutras. Jesus was the same. Only after He practiced for more than 20 years did He recognize His true Self. The reason I talk about these examples
is to let you know that even though you make mistakes and struggle, it’s
not always your fault because the past karma might come and stick to us.
Even though we might have been to hell and burned all our karma, when
we come up, the residue karma in the air or in the magnetic field of the
universe still comes to us, sticks to our body, and makes us suffer and
struggle. When we try to do good, it pulls us the opposite way. Even if
we don’t do bad things, it still affects our brain. So don’t
worry; just keep trying, keep meditating, and keep walking on the right
path. We must be persistent no matter how hard or how painful it is. There
is no other means; this world is like that.