of Events
Master’s Special Bonus and Gift of Love
By Toronto News Group (Originally in English)
[Toronto] After several rounds of negotiation, the new Supreme Master Television promotional poster is now being shown at the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Terminal 3, for four weeks which started from July 31, Golden Year 4 (2007). The announcement can be seen on two billboards, each 6 feet by 4 feet large. One is located at the departure area and the other at the arrival area. The second billboard at the arrival area was granted as a bonus. According to the Account Executive who was responsible for arranging our announcement, the bonus was given based on four reasons: 1) We are a non-profit organization; 2) We do not make any profit from advertising this ad; 3) We introduce a channel which airs only positive programs; and 4) There is space available. Usually during the peak season of the year, it is not easy to have a good advertising spot at the airport, but we are given an extra space as a bonus. Terminal 3 has traffic of approximately 12 million worldwide passengers each year. People who pass by these two billboards now have the chance to see Master’s photo and to be informed about Supreme Master Television! Thank you Toronto Pearson International Airport for your generous support and thank You Master for this special arrangement for the travelers!
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