Following The Dogs in My Life, Supreme Master Ching Hai wrote another book entitled, The Birds in My Life, for the twenty-three beloved winged members of Her household. In this beautifully illustrated book, each feathered creature is described in a biography lovingly composed by Master, together with pictures from the bird's daily life and captions with “bird talk.” Each of these beautiful birds comes from a different background and has an interesting and unique personality. Some of their stories will move you into tears, while others may make you smile. Their cute mannerisms have brought much joy and laughter to Master. Hidden inside these tiny creatures are highly developed and loving souls. Master said that She has often been touched by the expressions and actions of the birds, and even inspired by them. She hopes that all of us will understand other living beings such as birds, and love and respect them as equals. Through these books, you will understand
how deeply our animal friends can feel and how intelligent they can be.
They are absolutely loyal to partners, friends and human caretakers. They
can be very sensitive and tender in expressing their love, and when they
lose a loved one, they suffer the same sadness as humans do. That's why
Master Ching Hai says, “If humans could love each other that much,
peace and happiness would be ours forever.”
A Beautiful Set of Postcards
– ![]() The photos on this beautiful set of postcards were carefully selected from the precious photo collections of those wonderful birds and the poetry-like soul whispers in The Birds in My Life. The package of 8 postcards was full color and high quality printed with fine art paper. Each of them radiates a unique artistic vibration of elegance and romance. They would well-express your heart's sentiments when mailed and also really worthy to be collected as one of your valuable treasures. Please allow those beautiful tiny bird
angels to convey your longings for Heaven, as well as your deeply concerns
and best wishes to your dear ones and good friends.
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