Love in Action
Extending the Divine Mother's Love to ![]() Compiled Report by Florida and Peru Rescue Team
(Originally in English and Spanish) On Wednesday, August 15, 2007, an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 struck Peru. The epicenter of the quake was in the County of Ica in the city of Pisco and left the city totally destroyed, with over 500 lives lost, thousands injured and countless homeless and without their possessions. Numerous nearby villages including the cities of Chincha and Canete were inaccessible due to their location deep in the remote areas of the country's mountains. Upon learning of this disaster, Master immediately contributed US$50,000, which enabled our fellow initiates to carry out the relief task. Two relief teams were quickly formed in the USA and immediately dispatched to the affected region. The teams were comprised of several doctors, one nurse, medical assistants and fellow initiates. In addition to the funds from Master, our relief teams also received contributions from Florida, Georgia, Oregon, Arizona, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Houston, and Seattle Centers. During the 16 days that we were in Peru, we went to Pisco, the most affected city, as well as several other cities and towns. We treated an average of over 100 patients per location and distributed relief supplies such as medications, foods, tents, blankets, to the victims as well as monetary gifts to the needy. People must have felt Master's love through us, because they referred to us as the “Yellow Jacket People” for our love and kindhearted ways in treating them. There were a few touching incidents that brought us all to tears. One woman had twin girls who were heavily injured; one of the girls had suffered a hip fracture in the earthquake, and the other had an ankle dislocation. When our medical doctor saw them, she could not hold back her tears. She requested the mother to immediately take the injured girls to the hospital. She also requested our team leader to provide money to the mother for her transportation and medical expenses. The policemen were so touched that they volunteered to drive the family to the hospital themselves. In another incident, an elderly lady farmer was so touched by our presence, she wanted to give us some potatoes from her fields. When we offered to pay for the potatoes, she quickly refused, saying that she couldn't thank us enough for all the beautiful work that we had done for her country. We were truly touched by the nobleness of this pure-heated lady, who would not take money even for her best potatoes in times of need.
During the relief work, we came across many other noble saints such as dedicated policemen and drivers who helped us wholeheartedly, and the Mayor of San Clemente who helped us find the victims. There were also people who requested to have a picture of Master to place in their memorial hall. They said that Master's love comforted their hearts and they just wanted to remember Her more and more. Thank You, Master, for extending a Heavenly
mother's love to the earthquake victims in Peru.
Expenditures by The Supreme Master Ching