Even though now a lot of people meditate in the world and the consciousness of people is elevated, they will not go any higher if they just stay right there. Maybe they are liberated and maybe as good people of the world they will not go to hell this lifetime, because of the grace of the Master power and of God or of Heaven. But they will not go too high, just between the level of sinking and drowning. For instance, say that a person was drowning and a good swimmer came and dove into the sea and risked his life to rescue that person out of the dangerous and turbulent sea; and he put that person on the safety of the shoreline of the sea. So, on the beach, he's safe; he's not drowning anymore and he'll be okay now. But he has to continue walking! He has to walk back home; he has to walk to goodness and civilization and food and shelter. Otherwise he'll be just standing there and that's where he will be! You see what I mean? (Audience: Yes.) The people in the world, or the disciples in my school are being elevated to some degree so that they will not suffer hell or anything that is unpleasant or which would cause them sorrow. But they still have to walk on their own feet; they have to be more noble; they have to be more selfless, unconditional, loving and helping each other. Then they will go far. They'll go much higher in Heaven after this physical lifetime.
Aspire to More Than This Transient Physical World The physical lifetime doesn't last long anyway; so why everyone worries so much about physical life, I don't understand. Because of physical life, they make war. Because of this transient, ephemeral physical body, they go kill each other! This is really the most incomprehensible event of human life; I won't ever understand it. If you eat a little bit more than last year or yesterday - fine, you feel better; you look good, you look fatter, but how long will it last you? At the end, you'll still go into a square meter under the earth, that's it! Or, you become ash; it depends on where you live. Or, you become just hanging on the ceiling somewhere so people will make use of your body slowly; it depends. In some place people still eat people. They do that! So, all becomes food for the worm, or food for the fish if you are in the sea or in the water. That's where we end up with this physical body. So why so much karma and so much suffering? Why do we cause so much suffering for others through war and fighting, just for this very little transient physical body? Even as the president of a country, so what? How long will it last? How long will any position last with this physical body, anyway? The majority of people are occupied with this transient, helpless little body -- for survival, for eating, for wearing better clothes than the neighbor, for having a more powerful car, or for having more controlling power over others. People do kill, they do maim, and they do make suffering for other fellow beings, not even to talk about animals. Animals are already helpless; they are already hopeless and helplessly victims of humans since time immemorial. And if that's not enough, they even kill each other, their own fellow beings that look like them and act like them and live just like them. The Iraqi people or the Afghan people live, love, and act almost exactly like the Americans, English, French or Italians.
Whatever the nationality, the people do the same thing. When they love someone, they also say, “I love you,” and they hug that person; they make love to that person just the same as the Americans or any Europeans or any Asians or anyone else too. And they also eat when they are hungry; they sleep when they're tired, and they protect their loved ones. They make their businesses to keep themselves alive. They wear and sell clothes to be protected from the elements. They do the same things that we do. But how can the same race go out and kill another being of the same race? You understand the ridiculousness and the incomprehensible thing about war or fighting or criminals or gangsters or whatever it is. So all this is because of a lack of NQ and HQ. That's what I discovered.
With the Quan Yin Method, We can Ascend to a High Heaven But even then, if we lack NQ or HQ, we can still modify them if we follow the Quan Yin Method or if we follow the teachings of a Master. It's better with a living Master and better yet with the Quan Yin Method. This would be best for anyone, whether low IQ or not. Low IQ is okay, but even low NQ and low HQ can still go high. The person can still be a noble person; they can still be a Saint; they can still ascend to high Heaven by the teachings of a living Master who teaches the Quan Yin Method. That would be the best. The best of all the teachings of any of the schools is the Quan Yin school, the Quan Yin teaching or the Quan Yin Method. But any other method, the “model” ones such as the good religions or theories, they're still helping. They help beings a lot and are better than none. It boils down to NQ and HQ, Noble Quality and Human Quality. So you must try to develop that, by being unconditional, by being loving, by being kind, by being selfless. Also, meditate, and follow the teaching of the Master. ![]() It's not that difficult, really. Every time you do something with some low motive, you just scold yourself, go meditate, and begin anew with a noble intention. That's how you train yourself. No one else can be there 24 hours; even the Master physically cannot be there 24 hours to scold you, to correct you, to put you back on track. No, you yourself are the master! That crown on your head now means you are the master; you will teach yourself. You will be a noble person, you are a Saint. To be a Saint is a big responsibility! (Master and everyone laugh) It's not like “Okay, I become Buddha; there's nothing to do.” No, no! That's just a way of speaking. “Nothing to do” means you don't have to compete with the world the way you used to do; you don't have to envy the neighbors for having something better than you. You don't have to be jealous with your partner if there is a “she” more beautiful than you. You don't have to be anything lower than the human standard of a noble person. That's what you don't have to do anything of anymore. But it's just a way of speaking. To arrive there, at doing nothing, takes a lot of effort and a lot of doing.
The Real Meaning of “Nothing to Do Under the Sun” When the Zen Masters say, “I have nothing to do anymore; I have arrived there,” that means you are doing without doing! You do without ego; you do without thinking, “I'm doing, so I'm good, I'm excellent, I'm noble, I'm charitable, I'm generous.” You never have any idea like that anymore. Even maybe if you give $10,000, in the back of your mind you know that it is a kind and generous act, but it doesn't mean that you register it as, “Okay I am good; I am generous.” You just register it as a general measurement for a kind act or as a thing that people should do. You think of it as a generous kindness that people should have, that's all. You don't register it as an ego doing, like, “I am doing it; I am good, aren't I? God, am I good? Do you see, am I good?” And then, “Reward me with something!” Or, “God, why don't You give me anything? I have given $1,000 to charity and nothing else happened in my life, how come?” It's not that kind of doing. That's why the Zen Masters and the Zen enlightened practitioners say, “I have nothing to do anymore.” Don't listen to that and just sit at home or go eat and then do nothing. You have to do, but without doing. And all the time remember God. Remember that God is the doer. Anything that you do which is good at all, just thank God for giving you a chance to be a better person, to earn some little quality of a good person. Thank God all the time in your heart for any chance that you can do something that is so-called good. That is how to do without doing. And that is the Zen meaning of “I have nothing else to do under the sun anymore.” When the Zen people say, “I have nothing to do under the sun,” or “There is nothing to do under the sun,” they just mean doing without ego. Doing selflessly and unconditionally; that is what Zen is talking about. They even go so far as to say, “There is no one that I should rescue anymore.” Once they are enlightened, they say, “Oh, the job is done; there is no one to be rescued anymore.” But that doesn't mean at home you enjoy your enlightenment and you let your neighbors sink into a hellish existence or ignorance; it's not like that. You have to go out, spread the teachings, and get them up. Just like you before, when you were ignorant, how much suffering then did you have to undergo? All this suffering. So the neighbors are the same. And it's not like after enlightenment you have nothing to do, no one to rescue, no one to save; it's not like that. It means that after enlightenment you rescue people's souls, but you don't feel that you are doing anything. You're doing it just like you are breathing, just like you're scratching when you're itchy. You do it like you drink when you are thirsty. You do it like the sun emitting the light without saying he is great or thinking or knowing he is great. That is the meaning of the Zen Masters when they say, “Okay, I have arrived there; I've got it; there's no one to be rescue anymore.” It's the same as “Nothing to do under the sun.” That is exactly what it means, because you are doing with selflessness, with unconditional love.
Do as Much as You Can to Spread the Good Teaching ![]() Okay then, I guess you go to eat now, right? (Audience: Yes.) Go take care of your body, and then go back and take care of your souls. (Audience: Thank You, Master) And take care of the whole planet. Not just like, “There's nothing to do under the sun.” There's nothing to do under the sun, but we have to do a lot! Do as much as you can to spread the good teaching, because that will prevent people from killing each other, from suffering by themselves, or even the planet from being destroyed. They are studying a lot about Mars right now. If we are not careful and if we don't do something for this planet, it's going to be like Mars; and in not a very long time, either, the way the climate change is speeding. Mars has once been inhabited; they were just like us. Then they developed too much technology and they went too fast, just like the way we are going right now. That's how the planet became dried up. It doesn't take long. It doesn't take as long as people think. So everyone, do something. Go car pool or bus pool. Save, anytime any little electricity you can; any megawatt you can save, okay? (Audience: Yes, Master.) Any apparatus that lights up when you are not using for standby, you unplug it. I told you this already in the Austria retreat. That's important. If you want to stay alive a little longer to meditate, then you have to also do your part. Whatever is less harmful, you do. For example, if it's better to cook with gas, then you use gas. It doesn't have to be gas; what I mean is, whatever is less polluting in your house, or for producing it. For example, it takes a lot to produce electricity. Something like that is not as green. But it depends on how they produce the electricity. That's just an example. Do whatever you can to go green, and to green the planet. Then you can stay a little longer to meditate. Do it for the children at least. Spread the news, spread the good teaching, spread the awareness, spread goodness, spread moral standards. Anything that is good for humankind and the planet, you do what you can, in your spare time. I do my best. Even in my house, I unplug all the standby electricity apparatus. I put them all together on the extension that has two or three plugs and a light on it. And when you turn that button off, the light's off, and then everything else is off together. So I don't have to unplug them one by one or turn them off one by one. Because for example, some telephone chargers have a light on them, so I just unplug it or turn it off altogether by turning off the electricity in that area. So I plug all the standby lights together in one extension and whenever I don't use it or at night, I just turn it off altogether. I turn it off when I go out of the room, and I turn it back on when I come in. What's the use of leaving it in standby in your room; it burns off your pocket money and pollutes the planet as well. Alright, I leave you with aspirations for Noble Quality and Human Quality. HQ and NQ, remember that. Have a blessed day. Audience: Thank You, Master! (Applause)