Two months after the August Paris retreat, European initiates were blessed with another retreat opportunity in the Paris Center from October 25 to 27, Golden Year 4 (2007), this time to celebrate Supreme Master Ching Hai Day with our dearest Master. It was almost unbelievable that we would be able to see Her again so soon. Autumn nights in Paris were getting quite cold. Before the retreat, Master kindly called the Paris Center and told them how to prepare heating and order extra toilets for the additional brothers and sisters who would participate in this retreat. On October 24, Master arrived. As always, She brought lots of chocolates and sweets for Her big kids, and as always, we enjoyed them so much, as if we’d never had chocolate before. ![]() The next day, Master came into the meditation hall, radiant in a peach-colored silken dress, Her eyes full of love and magnificence. A live videoconference soon began, with Master’s image appearing at the official Book Launch venue of The Dogs in My Life in Taipei. During the conference, She and VIP speakers from different animal organizations in Formosa enthusiastically shared their personal experiences of animals, discussed constructive ideas on animal protection issues, and most of all, sent out a noble message together to the world, that animal cruelty should stop and treatment of animals should be equal to human beings. After the videoconference, Master left and returned after a short while in a shimmering orange dress, Her hair elegantly and care-freely up with a small orchid in it. She was then connected to one of the most prominent TV host journalists in Formosa for an exclusive video interview. Master praised the beauty of the lady journalist and patiently answered her questions about the Quan Yin Method, vegetarianism and her personal curiosity about aliens, outer space and even Master’s past lives and Her pilgrimage in the Himalayas. When the journalist asked about the planet Mars, Master revealed that this planet used to be as full of life as our Earth, until one day technological development prevailed over moral and spiritual values, and the so-called “civilization” destroyed everything. If human beings don’t turn back now, it is possible that our Earth would become like that. After the interview, we enjoyed the Ching Hai Day special programs on Supreme Master TV with Master, who expressed Her pleasure when viewing them. The festivity reached its peak when Master was invited to cut our three-layer celebration cake. Suddenly it seemed that lovely vegetarian cakes, snacks, sweet non-alcoholic champagne and juices were being passed around everywhere. We toasted each other for having the greatest Master ever in the universe and praised Heaven’s mercy on Earth for this very special Ching Hai Day. Over the following two days, Master appeared in more splendid dresses and Heavenly jewelleries, feeding us with not only spiritual nectar but also a celestial visual feast. As in many other gatherings, She told us spiritual stories. One of them was about a poor tradesman who was given a Philosopher’s stone from a merciful Saint. The stone could turn any metal into gold, thus bringing him wealth. But the tradesman couldn’t make the decision to buy the ever more expensive iron, one month after another. So, at the end of three months time, when the magic stone had to be returned to the Saint, the tradesman was left as poverty-stricken as before. Master said this kind of thing happens in our daily lives. For example, some initiates may say that they want to work for Supreme Master Television, but they keep postponing because of financial excuses or various other reasons and miss the precious time to join this noble work. Master said She can’t think of anything else better than working for Supreme Master TV, because it serves the whole world. But if we don’t seize the opportunity now, maybe later the help is not needed any more and we would regret. One time during the retreat when Master was telling a story, an urgent report came in. After reading the report, She announced that Her book The Dogs in My Life had reached the Top 10 of the world’s biggest online bookstore, – an extraordinary gift indeed to celebrate Supreme Master Ching Hai Day! Master said Her books about animals will bring great benefit to humankind, and they are the best gifts we could give as Christmas presents to our families and friends. Later, our professional brother and sister vocalists and musicians dedicated beautiful compositions to Master, which She greatly enjoyed, saying that they brought Her back to Her teenage dreams of becoming a singer. On another occasion, Master opened a sealed envelope and incredibly shared with us the notes She had jotted down during Her personal retreat. Listening to those universal Truths that Master had brought back from the secret closet of Heaven, we were totally enchanted, realizing that they had never been revealed to anyone before in the history of humankind. On the last day, Master came out to see us three to four times. She read Rumi’s poems to us, connoting the practice of Sound and Light, and commented that Rumi was a high level Master who taught the Quan Yin Method in his time. Unfortunately, not many people understood the messages his poems were really trying to convey. After that, She shared more jokes with us.