Paragons of Love in Animal Protection
By Formosa News Group (Originally in Chinese)
People in Formosa are paying increasing attention to animal protection. While groups have been formed to ensure the animals’ well-being, many individuals are also doing their part to help stray animals. (For related stories, please refer to No. 192 of our magazine.) In order to commend their noble endeavors, representatives of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association presented the World Compassion Award and a number of gifts, on behalf of Master, to some of these benevolent people in December of Golden Year 4 (2007). The honorable recipients were Mr. and Mrs. Hou Xiang-cheng, Mr. Li He-chuan and Ms. Huang Qiu-gui. Living
in a Van to Provide Round-the-clock Care
Mr. Hou Xiang-cheng and his wife, Lin Mei-ling, of Salu Township, Taichung County, are committed to taking care of homeless animals. Two years ago, they established the Taiwan Animal Protection Association, hoping to bring more people together to rescue our often forgotten friends. Regarding the little animals as their own children, they sold their home and moved into a van to cover the huge expenses. However, their immense effort was not enough to resolve the issue of homeless dogs. Therefore, Mrs. Hou appealed to both the government and people to “give the dogs a loving home, replace killing with sterilization, and adopt instead of buying pets.”
The Shining World Compassion Award ceremony
was fittingly held on a Loving Adoption Day, which is held every Sunday
afternoon at the Taiwan Animal Protection Association headquarters. An
Award plaque and US$10,000 contributed by Master were presented to Mr.
and Mrs. Hou. Having to take care of his dear doggies at the pound, Mr.
Hou was unable to attend the ceremony, but requested a volunteer worker,
Miss You Shu-ting, to accept on his behalf. With deep gratitude, Mrs.
Hou said, “On behalf of my dear dogs who cannot speak, I would like
to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for Her immense love and timely help.
Thank You very much for helping our dogs.” The next day, she called
our Association reminding us once again to convey the couple’s gratitude
to Master, for they could only repeatedly express their heartfelt appreciation.
Care and Management for Dogs
The owner of a machinery factory in Chiayi County, Mr. Li He-chuan could not stand to see the dogs in the streets without proper care. Therefore, he generously spent ten million NT dollars (about US$300,000) to build a professionally designed shelter, employing specialists to take care of its residents. He also recruited people to place dog food twice a day at selected sites along several different roads for the many homeless dogs in neighboring Chiayi City that his pound could not accommodate. His employees were required to file daily reports for his review. To ensure the dogs received proper care, he used his business management skills to set up a systematic procedure for taking care of them, maintaining an individual record for each dog.
The Shining World Compassion Award was presented at the Panlu Dog Pound of the Chiayi City Animal Protection Association. The event was covered by Ms. Wang Yu-chun from the Liberty Times, and her report was published in the Chiayi edition of this second-largest national daily on December 6, urging more people to join in the animal protection efforts. In addition to the commendation letter and plaque, our Association presented Mr. Li with Master’s new books — The Dogs in My Life and The Birds in My Life, News magazines, DVDs, music CDs and some vegetarian dog food. Mr. Li said that he was highly honored
to receive Master’s acknowledgement and encouragement. He hoped
that more compassionate people would be inspired to join in the effort
and elevate humanity to the highest level. He further hoped that every
one of the stray dogs would one day be accepted into a caring family.
Mr. Li urged the government to enact a law on animal adoption and require
household registration for the animals. He said that only when children
are taught how to keep pets properly will the problem be completely resolved.
Dedicated Heart
Ms. Huang Qiu-gui has adopted over a hundred homeless dogs over the past 20 years in Sinying, Tainan County. On behalf of Master, members from The
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association went to visit the 67-year-old
Ms. Huang to present her with the Award plaque, Master’s books and
DVDs, a fruit basket and vegetarian dog food, to commend her selfless
care for our beautiful animal friends. Ms. Huang said, “Dogs are
the most loyal and understanding friends of humans. I think of them as
my own children, spending each day in their company. Although it is an
arduous task taking care of them, I have received abundant love from them
in return.” Ms. Huang’s charitable action shows that even
though an individual might have limited resources, we can still bring
great benefit to sentient beings and set a shining example for the world
if we do it wholeheartedly. If
you wish to know more about the beautiful things happening in our world,
please check out our archives of awards presented over the years, including
the Awards of the Month, at the following URL address: