A Successful Climate Change Roadshow Event
By Singapore News Group (Originally in English)
[Singapore] As part of a continuing roadshow to generate awareness about climate change, Singapore Center initiates set up a booth from April 1-7, Golden Year 5 (2008) at the Housing and Development Board Hub in the town of Toa Payoh. The initiates’ well-decorated booth was located in a bustling commercial complex surrounded by supermarkets, offices, eateries and transportation terminals. About 24,000 SOS climate change flyers were distributed and video clips from Supreme Master Television, including Master’s Paris lectures and NASA reports on climate change, were presented. Also, beautiful posters featuring renowned vegetarians and Master’s touching poem “Words of a Piglet” were displayed, and two teenagers were seen photographing the poem poster with their mobile phones. The roadshow and fliers were highly educational for the visitors,
some of whom expressed their appreciation for the initiates’
efforts and commended them for a job well done. Representatives from
several companies also requested that the brothers and sisters assist
them in corporate events to create awareness of environmental issues
among their workers. This encouraging response provides the initiates
with more great opportunities to spread the word about the need for
people to “Go Veg!” and “Be Green!” so that
collectively we can save our precious planet Earth.