Local Seminars on Vegetarianism and
By Italy News Group (Originally in Italian)
[Pescara] In March and April Golden Year 5 (2008), fellow initiates from Pescara, Italy presented three seminars featuring the NASA SOS message. Two were held in a fair-trade store and attracted 40 guests and the third, entitled “Vegetarianism: Maximum Health and Minimum Environmental Impact,” was held at the Regional Library of Abruzzo. During the library seminar, an initiate and a local vegetarian physician discussed the vegetarian diet and its benefits for the planet. The library staff was so happy with the presentation that they invited the initiates to participate in an open-air event in May entitled “Green Day,” which will include activities such as tree planting and booths dedicated to local culture and foods. The staff also offered the library’s roof-top balcony as a place to hold small group discussions and vegetarian cooking classes. The Pescara initiates are very thankful to Master for inspiring them
to inform the local residents about the urgency of the environmental
crisis. Joining the Colorful Local Events
By Pescara News Group (Originally in Italian)
[Rome] On Sunday May 4, Golden Year 5 (2008), fellow initiates from the Pescara Center participated in the Festa dei Vegetariani (Vegetarian Festival) in Rome. The initiates arranged to have a stand at the event where they displayed large posters of the NASA flyer, and handed out Master’s sample books, Alternative Living flyers and SOS flyers to festival guests. Many visitors read the NASA flyer attentively with some admitting they were not aware of the grave situation of our planet. Others were interested in the vegetarian diet and were happy to receive the recipe printouts prepared by the initiates. There was a lot of positive feedback about the meditation practice and it was great to see more people interested in spirituality and vegetarianism compared to two years ago.
[Pescara] On May 18, fellow initiates from the Pescara Center participated in the second annual Green Day held at Riserva Naturale Pineta D’Annunziana, a beautiful nature park. Aiming to “educate the heart of the young and adults, to feelings of peace, justice and a sense of brotherhood among all of God’s creatures,” the event hosted nature theme writing, photography and painting contests, and included a tree-planting session, folkloric dances and a chorus from Abruzzo. There were also booths on local foods, natural cosmetics and local art. The event attracted many visitors, mainly families with young children and elderly people. Fellow initiates had a stand entitled “Save the Earth through Our Dietary Choices,” and shared Master’s messages by handing out flyers and vegetarian recipe brochures. Many people agreed to decrease their meat consumption and signed up for the vegetarian cooking classes. Those interested in meditation were given Master’s sample booklet. It was inspiring to see how receptive the young people are to the global warming messages. Fellow initiates thank Master for Her immense love and blessing,
and are grateful for the experience of sharing the important SOS messages
through these colorful events.