Spoken by Supreme Master Ching
Hai, during the SOS! International Seminar on Change Ourselves to Save the Planet M: Thank you, Mr. Jung. Against this kind of great upheaval of calamities, the only refuge that we can take is in Heaven’s grace, by being virtuous, compassionate and a true believer of God, and praying for God’s grace; then we can be saved. We should start to change our way of living now. We have to change. We have to. That’s the only way we can save ourselves and the planet, and the whole world and all the beings in it; because as the saying goes in ancient India, “Any nation that produces 10 great persons worthy in the eyes of Heaven will not know destruction.” So, what is meant by 10 great personages? That means the person who is truly a human being: He is compassionate, he is spiritually elevated, and he is unconditional and selfless. He is serving others and remembers God. For doing that, we are a little bit far. So, if we really want to save the world, that’s the only way we can. Otherwise, even if we dig a hole into the mountain or under the ground to stay away from the sun’s heat, or we go up in the mountain to avoid the sea rising, there are other calamities that will be coming our way. Anyone who has any belief in any religion should study their scriptures again, and do exactly what is commanded therein because “As you sow, so shall you reap.” All the religions have told us that. So, now we come back to the ancient saying in India that 10 persons who are virtuous can save a nation. How do we do this? In the ancient times, the nations were smaller than they are now and 10 persons in each country should be enough. But for our expanded community nowadays, we need more than 10 persons in a community. I would say it depends on the population also. New York, for example, we would call a nation in the old times. In New York, we probably need a million people to be virtuous, upright and spiritually elevated, in order to save New York. So, I think we have to do it faster than what we are doing now. I’m glad the governments are doing something and all the celebrities, the distinguished people and organizations just like you today, are concerned and trying to push with all the vital actions to save the planet and to stop global warming. I’m very happy about that, but maybe we should move faster and take more action: The vegetarian diet is number one. Green energy is number two. Everyone must work together to be frugal and protect the environment and the animals. It’s not that difficult. It’s just the habits that we have to change, that’s all. The Cause of Natural Catastrophes M: Yes, Mr. Kim. According to the UN and scientists’ research and reports, 9 out of 10 disasters are because of global warming. Of course you know about this because you are a journalist, but I know you are asking this question for the public’s sake. We have more disasters nowadays, and it saddens my heart very much. I keep trying to tell everyone to minimize it. From an individual standpoint, just stay away from animal products; plant trees, and use sustainable energy. It’s only three steps, actually, very baby steps. I hope everyone still listens, and still will do it. And thank you for your concern, Mr. Kim. If Humans Decide to Change Now, There’s No Need for Disaster M: Of course, sir, that’s what I hope. After all the great disasters… it depends on what they are deciding right now. Actually, I hope that there is no disaster. I hope that there’s no “after.” I hope that humans decide right now to just stop all the unnecessary habits that they are living with and change to the better one, the more noble lifestyle. Then, we don’t have to worry about the aftermath. The climate will change for the better; we will live on; we will still have the planet, and they’ll become wiser and better, more virtuous and more blessed, and peace will reign on Earth for a long, long time. Guidelines of Love and Compassion to Turn Our Life Around M: You see, from all the consideration and all the concrete evidence that’s been given to us by the United Nations research and the scientific evidence from the scientists, not to talk about moral obligation, I think, Number 1: We have to stop all the killing, stop all the harming of humans and animals alike. Number 2: Stop all consumption of all animal products. Number 3: Encourage a more virtuous lifestyle, starting from the leaders themselves. I know I am asking for the moon, but since you ask me, I have to tell you the only solutions we must follow. Number 4: Turn people to a more religious mind, meaning they should remember more about God. The governments have to get involved and do not say that politics is separate from religion. They must encourage people to go more to the church, or to pray more at home together, to read the bibles, to study really what Jesus said to them, to practice really what the Buddha told us, to practice really what Guru Nanak told us or what Prophet Muhammad wants us to do. We have to study truly our religious bibles and practice what is taught therein, not just reading. And number 5: We have to repent and pray for Heaven’s grace. We have to ask for forgiveness from Heaven and from all beings for all the harm that we have done to them. And the powerful collective, the positive and loving power of the whole world will repel darkness that is coming towards us, that is facing us right now. That’s the only solution I have. I hope my words are falling into some wise ears, and I hope people are doing it. I am not sitting here as a religious head or as a moral person. I am sitting here as your co-citizen, and I am telling you truthfully from my heart that it’s the only solution we must take. Even despite all the scientific developments, despite all the physical means that we try to elevate, the farming techniques or the adaptations to climate change, that will not do for the long run if our spiritual value is not up to the expectation of the human value, that is, if it’s not up to Heaven’s standard. We must turn our life around. We must. I don’t say anyone should follow me; no, no need! Just study your bible and act accordingly. All the bibles and scriptures of religions in the world have told us we have to love one another; we have to be compassionate to all beings, including animals. That’s all there is, love one another and compassion. That’s very simple, love. Love your neighbors; love everyone else; love the animals. When we love, we don’t harm. When we love, we don’t kill. The only religion is Love. One simple solution is Love, that’s it. We have to follow our heart. The Cause of Global Warming Is Our Unkindness M: As I have mentioned before, we have to tackle the root of problem. The root of the problem is the cause of global warming, and that root is our unkindness to our co-inhabitants. Every action provokes a reaction; this is very scientific. If we sow an apple seed, we will get an apple tree, and after a while that apple tree will bear apple fruit for us. This is a circle of life. If we kill, we cannot expect life from that. Every action bears the same fruit afterwards. This is not religion speaking; it is scientific. So now, the root of our problem is that we have been unkind to our co-inhabitants: the living, feeling, walking, acting, loving beings, like animals of all sizes and shapes. And we have also been unkind to our environment. We have been massacring our co-inhabitant animals, and we have been destroying our environment, like deforesting and destroying the water and destroying the air. From all this, we cannot expect a better outcome. So, in order to solve the problem that we are facing right now, we have to reverse our actions. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants. Instead of killing, massacring, and sacrificing them, we have to take care of them, be kind to them, and look after them. And instead of deforestation, we have to plant trees again, take care of whatever environment we have. And instead of polluting our planet and the air, we have to turn to friendly energy and sustainable energy. Just reverse our actions. I think we have to come together as a people to let the government know what we want. Write to the government, all of you, all of the people. The people have to understand that the government also has its own problems. There’s no problem greater than saving our lives and the lives of the next generation. If everyone realized this, then we would drop everything else. Everything that is not useful to us, everything that is not kind and conducive to our living here and our next generation’s life, we have to change. We have to drop it, drop it like a hot cake, like a hot potato - because it burns you. No matter what everyone else says, no matter how much you lose, you have to drop the hot plate, because it hurts you. Stop the Killing and Stop Global Warming Global warming is like a hot plate, an iron-hot burning plate! We must take care. If the government does not take care, the people must take care. Just become vegetarian and refuse all the animal products. Then no one will raise animals anymore and no one will kill them anymore. Then we’ll stop the physical harmful effects of animal stock raising, which is the number one cause of our climate change. And that’s the one thing that we as individuals can immediately contribute. We can change it; there’s no need to wait for the government. The people have to take action and then perhaps the government will come along with it. If the government doesn’t lead you, you lead the government! There is no need to sit there blaming each other. But you see, it’s up to everyone to choose what they want. God gives us free will. I respect that also. So, I can only inform, I can only give my opinion, but the people have to do it, because the people have God inside them, they have wisdom, they have understanding. It’s just that they have to choose to use it. Now, we have to do more than that. It’s not fast enough right now. This is urgent. The killing of animals will be the killing of ourselves and our next generation. That is the fact. Like attracts like; what we sow, so shall we reap. There’s no need to even talk about religious scriptures; that’s just the facts. Thank you. Your question is very intelligent. I hope you spread the constructive news to your fellow students and more people. We need you. Thank you, Mr. Jeon. Protect the Children by Informing Them of the Urgency of Our Time M: Mr. Lee, you are a teacher; you know the answer. What is more important now, in this urgent time of need, is to protect the children first. Protect their lives before anything else, because if they don’t have their lives, even if they are highly educated, it will be a waste of the teacher’s time. So, as the teachers, you are wise, and all the teachers should be wise and leaders of the young who rely on the teachers. So, the teachers should tell the students what to do, should inform them more, and should encourage them to lead a better life, to be more informed about what is important to them, not just the normal teaching standards because we are not in a normal situation anymore. A different situation requires a different measurement. It’s good that you take the students out to nature sometimes. Take them to the slaughterhouse. Let them see the cruelty to the animals when they are being treated inhumanely; it’s very cruel. Take them to some damaged environment area. Let them know the effect of it. Let them know about global warming facts. Let them know all that. Spare no one; they have to know. They are your students. You have to teach them what is important. Suppose on one of your walks with your students into nature, then suddenly some danger comes. It’s not a normal walk anymore. It’s not a nice, quiet strolling along between teacher and students anymore. Suddenly there comes some danger. So, what do you do? You have to tell them immediately how to react. You cannot continue walking the way you used to do with your children. So, it’s the same right now. Our house is on fire. Our planet is in peril. You have to inform them. You have to take immediate action. Tell them what to do. Lead them into a better life. They look up to you; they will be grateful. And I will be grateful to you, too. Thank you for your question, and thank you for your concern. Please, do something. Restoring Our Original Peaceful Nature M: Your question shows your deep kindness and I appreciate it very much. All the Masters in the past have already mentioned how we should live our lives. So, as I have already mentioned before, we should return to our religious teaching. Look deep into the meaning of the scriptures of our own religions. Even if we do not think that all religions are the same, nevertheless, just look into our scriptures and see what our religious leader has told us to do. It’s all in there. It’s all compassion, it’s all loving, it’s all caring. You see, the thing is, we have to live up to it. So, I would summarize in brief what is noble and good, we do it as soon as possible. What is bad and base, stop it immediately. What’s good, do it; what’s bad, stop. So, right now, what’s good for our planet - vegetarian diet, new technology, new energy - we do it. We try as best as we can. What is bad for our planet - violence, war, killing and all the immoral issues - we stop it. That’s it, very easy. But you see, it’s an individual choice. They need strength; they need courage to do it. Just change the habit, how difficult can it be? Just change it. It will not hurt you; it will only do good to you. So, what’s good we should do it; what’s bad, we should stop. If anyone is not aware of the urgency of the global warming then they should study it. They should research on the internet. They should look into SupremeMasterTV.com. We have gathered all the latest up-to-date information and evidence of global warming and how, from an individual point of view, to stop the majority of it, like 80% plus of it. I say 80% because I want to be more objective. I would say 100% if you believe my words. Nevertheless, even if we do not develop technology quickly enough, we could keep all the cars and even the CO2. It’s still not as bad as eating meat, as killing people and animals, because these cause the worst of all pollution, and that is the bad retribution of what we do. That is a taboo, killing anyone or killing any animals, our co-inhabitants; that brings very bad retribution back to us. That’s what it is. Because the CO2 is not only from the cars; it’s in the ocean. And once the ocean is warm, it will be released. And also methane gas, all this is scientific evidence. I am speaking as a citizen who is well informed of what’s going on in the world and I, in turn, am informing you. Please do look into all the sources of information. If you cannot find it, then the SupremeMasterTV.com will have it for you. The evidence is enough on there. Besides, sir, it’s good that you’re concerned because it’s not only global warming that will be facing us. There will be other things like the gentleman advisor of the US Democratic Party for Asia has mentioned, that we also have sunspots exploding and it’s going to be bigger this time, and we also have comets that might hit the Earth, and we might have even explosive-like volcanoes from the middle of the Earth’s oceans that will blow everything up. So, it’s not the technical problem or the technical reparation we have to concentrate on. It’s the cause and retribution that we have to pay attention to. The cost of killing or violence is far worse than any sun’s explosion or any ocean explosion combined together because we have to be responsible for our actions. Every action provokes a counter reaction. So, we just have to stop killing. We just have to stop killing animals and man. We have to stop it. And then everything else will suddenly come clear. We will find better technical means to tackle the climate problem, and the sun might even stop exploding. The ocean explosions might just stop. The typhoons might just stop. The cyclones will be silent. The earthquakes will just be gone. Everything else will turn to a peaceful way of life because we create peace and then we will have peace, not only among humans but among all co-inhabitants. That’s why I keep emphasizing the vegetarian diet. It’s the moral code of being a human. It is the mark of a great human. It’s very easy to do, especially nowadays. There are all kinds of means to do it. The meat diet not only causes the greatest emission of poisonous gas into the planet’s atmosphere, there are many other costs. It’s not only the animals who emit the methane gas because we keep multiplying the animals and they keep multiplying, spraying gas into the air. But that’s not only the damage. It’s not only methane gas from the animals’ waste. There is the transportation energy cost; there’s electricity energy cost; there’s water wasting cost; there’s a land resource occupation cost; there’s a deforestation cost, there’s a related illness medical cost; and there’s the grievance and sorrow of the people who lost loved ones due to diseases related to the meat diet’s cost. And because we use food to feed livestock for human consumption instead of feeding directly to humans, there is thus the cost of war and famine due to shortage of food and resources. Add them together, then we will see the real answer. There are many causes that breed negative energy into the atmosphere of our planet, and you know what I’m talking about. When you walk into a room and someone hates each other or is hating you, you feel the energy like the cutting edge of a knife. When you walk into a lovely, happy party, you will feel the lively energy and the happy energy. That is what causes the happiness or the sorrow of our life, the energies - the negative energy or the positive energy. Now, the vegetarian diet is benevolent, so it will bring you happy energy and that in turn will breed more happiness, will attract more happiness, and when you’re happy, everything will be better. You think better, you react better and your life becomes better. Your children will be better; everything will be better. Now you understand what I’m talking about. Thank you, sir, for asking. A Gift of Creativity Re-awakened M: You are welcome, Mrs. Hong. You are welcome. And I am glad that your writing career is soaring again. I wish you all the success. And you know what? The animals will help you; they will inspire you more from inside your heart. As you have already seen, they will do more to help you. I have told you animals are our helpers. It is stated in the Christian Bible that the animals are our helpers and friends. Now you believe? (Yes.) I am so happy that my dogs’ book helped you. It will help many other people. It will help all the people who read them. That’s why I wrote them. The reason I wrote the books is so that people understand more about our animal friends and make use of their help and their blessing. They are angels in disguise. Also, so that people will have more understanding and respect for our co-inhabitants, so that they do not commit the very unkind and detrimental act of killing our helpers and our friends. That is the purpose of my book. I am happy that at least I heard some fruitful outcome of it. Thank you for your feedback. Thank you so much. And I have other books, you know, right? The Birds in My Life and The Noble Wilds, maybe you should also read them. Well, they are not in Korean yet. Host: By the way, Master, we thought that maybe You would like to know: The Dogs in My Life has become a #1 bestseller here in Korea. M: Oh wow! Thank you so much. Thank you all the involved persons who made it happen and thank you all the readers for your support. They will help you; the animals will help you. Just tune in, just be kind, calm your mind and tune in, and you’ll know what the animals are, as angels. Thank you, thank you. I am happy. The Divinity of Animals M: Mrs. Park, thank you for your compassion for the animals. You see, many people have not been educated in how the animals are another being like us, because everyone is busy and they are too overwhelmed by survival on this planet, which is already difficult for them, so they seem to have no time to study about the feelings of other beings, which exist next to us daily. That’s why I wrote these books -The Dogs in My Life, The Birds in My Life and also The Noble Wilds - so that everyone knows that domesticated animals do have feelings and emotions, and even the wild animals have emotions and feelings. I’m not the only one who knows this. Anyone who cares to know about animals’ feelings can also ask some animal communicators or animal psychics; they can study in books and log onto the internet to see many true stories about animals who show their emotions and are even heroes who save humans’ lives and help them in many, many ways. There are so many true stories about it. And on our Supreme Master Television we also show animals who are heroic, who are lovely, who are cute and who are also compassionate. Anyone who really wants to know if animals have feelings or not, just take a few minutes to observe them loving each other, caring for each other, and that they really, sometimes, sacrifice for each other. Then you know that they do have feeling, they do bleed. If we pinch them, they scream; that means they feel hurt. If we scold them, they hide away; that means their emotions are being hurt. If we love them, we call them, they come with wagging tails or showing a happy face or happy voice or singing. They do have emotions; of course they have. Everyone knows that. And to inform you of something: Every one of us can communicate with animals telepathically, every one of us! It’s just we don’t take time to do it. If we take time and we are sincere, we can hear them speaking. Look at the example of one of your writers. She has said that she suddenly heard the dogs talking. She had not heard them before. Why? It’s not like suddenly she developed this psychic power or telepathic ability: no, no. She had it all the time, but she never used it. Like everything else, if we don’t use and if we just leave it in the corner, it gets rusted, moldy and maybe just all forgotten and useless. So try to use it. Quiet down your
mind. Ask the animals to help you to listen. They will communicate.
They will be glad to talk to you all the time. They have been talking
to us all these millions of years; we just don’t listen. So,
sometimes they stop trying; but if we try again it will work again.
That’s how I tried. I’m no different than you. I just
tried. I’m just sincere, and I just really love animals. I wish
that I could do more than just crying and shedding tears over them
or even just the Supreme Master TV; but, at least, I’m trying
something. It’s not enough, but if everyone tries a little bit
like me, then the world will be a better place. We will have peace
and we will have help and blessings from animals; our lives will be
more enriched and beautiful. Please join us for the continuation of the questions and Master’s insightful responses during this videoconference in the next issue, #199
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