Festival in Chicago
By Chicago News Group (Originally in English)
Chicago Center’s booth, airing Supreme Master Television programs non-stop was very popular. In addition to the curious crowds, a child about 3 years old walked up to the 50-inch television and seemed very fascinated and absorbed in the scenes of Master and various animals. People, including children, were pleasantly surprised by the tastiness of the vegan jerky samples and were grateful to receive the free SOS global warming flyers, DVDs and souvenir pens. Among those interviewed for Supreme Master TV was Isabel Schechter, the coordinator of the Chicago Green Festival (who happens to be vegan). The initiates were elated and very surprised to learn that no meat foods were allowed to be presented for sale or sample at the festival. Several vegan restaurants did magnanimous business in the food court.
A Community
Gathering to Encourage a Lifestyle Change
By San Francisco News Group (Originally in English)
![]() ![]() ![]() [San Francisco] Eager to spread the good news of vegetarianism with its rippling effect of good tidings, fellow initiates engaged in a community gathering with the theme of “bringing sustainable living into our neighborhoods.” The event was held in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park on June 21 and 22, Golden Year 5 (2008). Brothers and sisters lovingly prepared samosas, spring rolls, rice packages with veggie Tsa Xiu, sandwiches and noodles to share with the public. The children were especially attracted to the wisdom cookies and the balloons imprinted with the “Go Veg, Be Green” message, while the adults warmly received the SOS flyers. Admirers of Master’s beautiful books, The Birds in My Life and The Noble Wilds, were given a copy as a gift of love. It is always a thrill to meet a fellow vegetarian, and most encouraging seeing this wholesome diet ever more prevalent now than in previous years! We can’t wait for the day to come when the world returns to this righteous way of eating and living, and when humankind can rejoice in Heaven on Earth! Thank You to our beloved Master! Serving Vegetarian Food at a Chinese Elderly Community ![]() ![]() On May 22, brothers and sisters from San Francisco Center volunteered to cook and serve vegetarian food for over 100 seniors at a Chinese Elderly Community. Everyone was very happy and surprised to find that vegetarian food was so tasty! The organizer of the event, staff and the director of this Chinese Elderly Community, all expressed their gratitude for the wonderful vegetarian lunch party. The Director even presented the initiates with a certificate of appreciation for their participation.
Green at the Cambridge River Festival
By Boston News Group (Originally in English)
![]() ![]() [Boston] On June 14, Golden Year 5 (2008), local
initiates participated in the 29th Annual Cambridge River Festival
sponsored by the Cambridge Arts Council. Visitors to the initiates’
“Go Green! Go Veg!” display area were given SOS flyers
and DVDs, and treated with delicious vegan desserts. Even though many
people already had knowledge of the UN report that animal agriculture
is the main contributor to global warming, they were reminded that
in order to be truly green and help stop the crisis, one should be
vegetarian. The initiates’ food booth also enjoyed long lines
throughout the day. Guests enjoyed tasty Earth-friendly foods such
as spring rolls, veggie kabobs, veggie sushi and a variety of vegan
cheesecakes. One visitor remarked that he had no idea vegetarian food
could be so tasty! The Boston initiates feel honored to bring Master’s
love and messages to one of the most intellectual capitals of the
United States. ![]()