Our Efforts to Save the Earth
By fellow initiate in China (Originally in Chinese)
![]() ![]() [Shanxi] Fellow initiates in Shanxi constructed 3 billboards and made 10,000 fans printed with Save Our Earth messages, to support World Environment Day and to launch the campaign of ”Saving the Earth by Adopting a Vegetarian Lifestyle.” Three groups were formed. The first participated in an activity held by the Environment Bureau at Xincheng Square outside the Provincial Government Office. Many people enthusiastically helped the initiates to distribute the fans and flyers. The billboard set up was the focal point of the event, attracting a constant stream of spectators to read the messages. Even television reporters covered and immediately broadcasted the event in their news programs. The second group disseminated the messages at a prominent university to bring the awareness and facts to the students of how the meat diet is one of the main contributors to global warming. The feedback was encouraging. Some students immediately decided to adopt the vegetarian diet; others offered to help the initiates to distribute the informative materials. The third group went to each local community to share the messages with the inhabitants. Some districts even requested billboards and informative materials, so that they could continue to share the urgent messages with their people. They also invited the television station in their area to make a report on the activity and then broadcast it in their news programs.
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![]() ![]() They played the SOS global warming film continuously and displayed the NASA and the United Nations informative materials on climate change. Many guests were shocked after reading them. Having understood that the vegetarian diet can help to save our planet, many people decided to eat vegetarian food as much as possible and were eager to share this idea with others. On the last day of the Expo, Shanghai Television interviewed the initiates and immediately broadcasted it on their news programs. It was another successful promotional event, with more than 20,000 sets of informative materials being distributed and nearly 2,000 visitors’ questions answered.
Helping to Promote the Vegetarian Diet to Save the Earth
By fellow initiate in Shanghai (Originally in Chinese) [Shanghai] Recently, lots of media in Shanghai are publicizing the message of saving the Earth by keeping the vegetarian diet. ♥ On June 14 and 15, the Shanghai Television channel - Life Fashion - began promoting the vegetarian diet on its noon “golden time slot” and will continue to do so every weekend for a month. The program not only introduces web sites related to the vegetarian lifestyle, but also displays beautiful photos of vegetarian dishes with an exclusive page for the Alternative Living message. ♥ Shanghai Metro Express News published the announcement “Go Veg, Be Green, Save the Planet!” to bring the awareness to all commuters that the vegetarian diet can save our Earth. ♥ The Shanghai Railway Magazine on the Harmony Express, a high speed railway, featured a 2-page colored article providing detailed and important information about global warming and how the vegetarian diet could save the planet. ♥ The Jin Bao News in China published the public benefit announcement - “GoVeg, Be green, Save the Earth!” on their front page, right below the Beijing Olympics count down figures. We sincere thank all media for their earnest endeavors in advocating the idea of saving the planet with the vegetarian diet. Hopefully, members from other media and the public will begin to care more about the global warming crisis and take action to save our Earth.
in Advocating Go Veg to Save the Earth at the International Environmental
Protection Exhibition
By fellow initiate in Guangdong Province, China (Originally in
[Guangdong] The 7th China (Guangzhou) International Environmental Protection Exhibition, which lasted three and a half days, opened on June 17, at the China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex. At the venue, our fellow initiates displayed information about the vegetarian diet and environmental protection. They also prepared 10,000 eco-friendly shopping bags, in addition to pamphlets, vegetarian recipes and DVDs on the global warming and the alternative lifestyle for distribution. The sponsors of the event supported and highly acclaimed the ideal of protecting the environment through the vegetarian diet. They invited the initiates to participate in next year’s Environmental Protection Exhibition and upon recommendation from them the reporters from Southern Television went to interview the initiates. During the interview these journalists earnestly requested a whole set of relevant informative material, and said that they would start to try the vegetarian diet. The Guangdong Television Pearl Channel, the Guangzhou Television English Channel, the Southern China Branch of the First Financial News, and the Yangcheng Evening News were some of the other media that reported on what the initiates were advocating. Three officials from the Ministry of Environmental Protection came to visit the initiates’ booth on the second day of the exhibition. They showed great interest in the research data of greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture and said that they had already started their own research and data collection regarding this topic. Teachers and students from the Guangzhou Environmental Protection Vocational School repeatedly visited their booth and attentively listened to the explanations by our fellow initiates. They strongly supported the idea of “Go Veg to Save the Earth,” and placed group orders for vegetarian food. The teachers from another environmental protection college also agreed with this ideal and said that they would use the content in the DVD for their moral and social education classes, stressing the theme of “Go Veg to Protect the Environment.” During the exhibition, many guests immediately expressed their sincerity to start the vegetarian diet after understanding the connection between this alternative lifestyle and the environment. The big crowd around the initiates’ booth attracted many commercial participants who offered to cooperate with the initiates on environmental protection in areas such as eco-friendly vehicles, packaging, and water resources. Several executives from enterprises thought that government leaders and society celebrities should promote this idea, in order to quickly achieve the target of a 100% vegetarian population. The initiates are very grateful to Master for Her incredible arrangements
and immaculate love and blessing throughout the event, making this
environmental protection exhibition a great success.