Elevation of the Soul


Supreme Master Ching Hai’s latest DVDs


DVD-588B (Spoken in Aulacese, with 11 choices of subtitles)
The Secret of the Past and Future
Group meditation in Los Angeles, California, USA

July 19, 1997


Master said: “In the universe, there are many levels, many sentient beings at different levels. Life is infinite, with no past or future. At a given moment, we can experience the properties and visions of all levels of the universe. However, because we have chosen a particular role to fulfill our obligation, or to accomplish the mission that we have undertaken in a certain lifetime, we are trapped in a certain circumstance. We have to experience for ourselves all the joys and sorrows of the world and go through everything to be able to understand that we must practice Sound meditation to become enlightened, to thoroughly understand and sympathize with the suffering of beings, to understand the everlasting nature of the world.”


DVD-697 (Spoken in English, with 13 choices of subtitles)
The Fish Strawberry
Six-Day International Retreat, Youngdong Center, Korea

May 10, 2000


This insightful conversation between Supreme Master Ching Hai and disciples focuses on the important topic of genetically modified foods and whether they are suitable for the vegetarian and vegan diets. Foods that are devoid of love cannot provide the nutrition that our body requires. That is why it’s a good idea to eat fresh organic produce. Some of the genetically modified foods even contain certain strains of animal DNA; therefore, they are not even vegetarian! Choosing organic also helps to support good farming practices. This fascinating question-and-answer session with our beloved Master provides practical information for everyone regarding food, spirituality and life in general.


DVD-787 (Spoken in English, with 10 choices of subtitles)
Enlightened Government Creating a Bright Future
Lunar New Year and Ching Hai Day Celebration,

Hsihu Center, Formosa, February 18, 2007


In 1995, Fidel V. Ramos, then President of the Philippines, welcomed about 5,000 Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees to his country, despite international pressures and the repatriation policies of other countries. This unprecedented action was a compassionate example of an enlightened government, with the Philippines being the only country to provide a new life for thousands of asylum seekers.

To offer Her thanks to former President Ramos and two other distinguished political leaders of the Philippines, Supreme Master Ching Hai presented them with the Shining World Leadership Award during the 2007 Lunar New Year celebration in Hsihu, Formosa. This award recognizes these noble men for their shining examples of human compassion and leadership in the world.


DVD-814 (Spoken in English, with 16 choices of subtitles)
All Peaceful Religions Lead to a United Way of Life

Christmas Retreat, Paris, France, December 25, 2007


The ancient order of the Essenes that originated around 300 BC was a sacred brotherhood that practiced the Quan Yin Method for enlightenment. There are remarkable similarities between the Essenes and the modern-day Quan Yin practitioners. The lineage of the Light and Sound meditation dates back to the days before Christ. In Her dedication to help others understand the world’s religions, Supreme Master Ching Hai explains the many similarities among them as well as the prominent aspects of the Essene heritage reflected in all modern religions. Master’s discourse at this special gathering illuminates the lives and practices of the Essenes and the presence of this ancient heritage in our daily lives.


DVD-816 (Spoken in English, with 11 choices of subtitles)
The True Possession of Spiritual Practitioners

Christmas Retreat, Paris, France, December 25, 2007


At this warm-hearted meeting, Supreme Master Ching Hai shares spiritual wisdom and practical guidance with disciples just like a big sister and close friend. She speaks of the tricks and persuasions of the mind, the privileges and choices of humans as well as how to enhance a romantic relationship to create a sweeter family life.

Concerning the matter of our animal friends, Master shares Her own inspiring experiences with Her adopted dogs who had challenging pasts. Master goes on to highlight changes of goodness that are taking place in our beautiful world due to uplifting spiritual influence.


DVD-821 (Spoken in English, with 14 choices of subtitles)
Rise above Death

Christmas Retreat, Paris, France, December 28, 2007


Supreme Master Ching Hai gives us a greater understanding of the poetic Truths contained in the scriptures of the ancient gurus – in this case, the Indian poet Kabir. These teachings help us realize the infinite value of the living Master who awakens our wisdom so that we may begin to live according to the true meaning behind the profound teachings. We grow in spirit not only through knowledge of the right way, but also by doing our best to remain steadfast on the spiritual path, following the precepts and living a noble life. We know that the road to the Kingdom of God is long and arduous, which is why we need the protection and guidance of a great and noble Master.


DVD-822 (Spoken in English, with 10 choices of subtitles)
Laugh Your Way to Heaven

Christmas Retreat, Paris, France, December 28, 2007


Enjoy this collection of jokes and light-hearted stories by Master at a special gathering of Association members from around the world, during the 2007 Christmas season in Paris. Laughter is the best medicine, and this joy-filled collection will lift your spirits high into Heaven!


DVD-824 (Spoken in English, with 11 choices of subtitles)
Live in Joy

Christmas Retreat, Paris, France, December 28, 2007


Supreme Master Ching Hai tells many jokes as a gift of joy for this world. In this DVD, the storyteller’s words are pearls of happiness that delight the listeners and elevate them to a Heavenly state.


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