Love in Action
Au Lac
Flood Relief Effort Launched to Restore Hope
By Aulac News Group (Originally in Aulacese)

One month after the flood relief work carried out by our Association members in September 2008 in northern Âu Lạc, heavy rains led to another extensive flooding in the central area of the country, damaging houses, fields, roads and costing lives. With compassionate love, Supreme Master Ching Hai allocated US$30,000 to help the people through this hardship.

On October 23, initiates in central Âu Lạc started their relief work. Through the coordination of initiates from different provinces, they brought help to the people despite difficulties and arduous trips. Sometimes they went directly to the households; sometimes they worked through the charitable organizations such as the local Red Cross. In many cases, people were so touched that they broke into tears upon receiving the monetary gift and relief supplies. They kept saying “thank you” to Master and wanted to convey their wishes to Master for Her good health. Great joy from people made the initiates incidentally forget all their exhaustion. Overall, 2,400 households were able to receive unconditional help from our organization and Master, who humbly received appreciation from the people and the government of Quăng Ninh province.

Expenditures by Supreme Master Ching Hai
for the Flood Relief Work in Central Au Lac

Description Amount (VNĐ) Receipt
Food (cereal, instant noodles, dried foods, corn flour, rice cakes) 109,593,000 A1
Medicine 59,950,000 A2
Funds for the victims and local government 330,457,000 A3
Total VNĐ 500,000,000
USD$ 30,000

* Throughout the relief operation, fellow initiates paid for their own transportation, food and accommodation expenses.

To view the Humanitarian Relief Activities by the Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her International Association, please visit:
(The list can be sorted by year, country/region and type of events.)