Puerto Rico
A Wake-Up Call on the Environment through a Play
By Puerto Rico News Group (Originally in English)
[Ponce] From October 8 to 12, Golden Year 5 (2008), about 2,500 people were attracted to the historical theater La Perla (The Pearl) to watch a play named Cosecha de Muerte (The Harvest of Death). The play was written and directed by Mr. Edilberto Torres Santos at the request of a sister initiate, Maria Rojas, who happens to be a part-time play producer. Deeply concerned about the current environmental crisis, Maria was inspired to bring this important issue to the central light of the stage. Mr. Edilberto said he named the play The Harvest of Death, because he wanted to ring a solemn bell that “we are harvesting destruction if we continue making money at the high price of destroying the environment.” Mr. Edilberto himself is seriously considering changing his diet to vegetarian, as he realized it’s a crucial step to prevent all future catastrophes.
The lobby of the theater was the perfect setting for the local initiates to distribute SOS flyers and exhibit an abundance of information on the Quan Yin Method and vegetarianism. Mrs. Aracelis Quintana, the owner of the vegetarian restaurant Genesis 1:29, who offered food samples during this activity, decided to make the SOS fliers available in her restaurant for her customers. She will also include them with the boxed-lunch orders that are distributed on a daily basis. The play has received a very positive response from the public
and the producers plan to present it in theaters throughout Puerto Rico,
thus providing further opportunities for the initiates to spread the message
of hope and compassion on this beautiful island.