A Book Promotion that Brings Hearty Smiles
By Vienna New Group (Originally in English)
[Vienna] From November 20 to 23, Golden Year 5 (2008), our Association members from Munich, Duisburg and Vienna worked together to promote the German version of Master’s book The Birds in My Life at the Vienna book fair. Many visitors loved the beautiful birds’ images displayed at the initiates’ booth. Many browsed the book with a hearty smile on their faces. Children were especially fascinated by the bright and vibrant pictures. The initiates also gave a new book presentation by showing parts of the DVD The Birds and Dogs in My Life. The deep bond and love between Master and Her pets touched the audience who watched with great interest and attention. Through the fair, the initiates established contact with many local bookstores, publishing companies, and schools that can help further spread the ideal of living in harmony with our animal co-inhabitants. May peace descend on earth soon through our continuous efforts!