A Faithful Companion
By Ottawa News Group (Originally in English)
One evening in May, Golden Year 5 (2008), when Destiny and her father were visiting the farm, she quietly slipped out of the house and wandered into the bush in search of her Dad, who was working outside. As always, Shilo was by her side. Destiny quickly became lost in the dense woods. Night fell, and the cool spring air turned cold. The terrain in the area is rocky, rugged and heavily wooded and the dense forest is dotted with ponds which could be very dangerous for such a young child.
Destiny’s parents, realizing she was missing, began a frantic search for their beloved daughter. The police were called and a massive search was quickly set in motion. Military aircraft dropped flares to light the ground to help. Finally, at 5:20 am, little Destiny was discovered deep in the woods, almost 3km from the farm. Her noble friend, Shilo, had remained by her side, providing her with comfort, safety and warmth all through the cold night. He had been lying so close to Destiny, that the collie’s fur was still stuck to the child’s body when they found her. Destiny was taken to hospital, but, having only a few scratches on her legs, was later released. Now Destiny and Shilo can enjoy many more good times together because, after this incident, the loving collie has joined the King family. “My sister-in-law gave her the dog,” said Ms. King. “She said, ‘After this, that dog belongs to her.’” In appreciation of the bravery, courage and wisdom shown by this noble dog, our Association members traveled to Coe Hill in northern Ontario, on October 25, 2008 to present Shilo with the Shining World Hero Award on behalf of Supreme Master Ching Hai. Shilo and Destiny happily unwrapped the gifts, and Shilo proudly modeled one of his new Hero Jackets for all to see. He also tried out his new doggie bed and enjoyed one of his veggie green bones. Thank you, Shilo, for your outstanding
example of love in action! May you and Destiny be blessed with many joyous
times together in the years to come!