Shocked by the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and inspired by the hopeful determination of New Orleans citizens, Hollywood movie star Brad Pitt started the Make It Right Foundation in 2005. Its mission is to “be a catalyst for redevelopment of the Lower 9th Ward, by building a neighborhood comprised of safe and healthy homes that are inspired by Cradle to Cradle thinking, with an emphasis on a high quality of design, while preserving the spirit of the community's culture. The goal is to accomplish this quickly, so that the first residents can begin returning to their homes as soon as possible.” So far, 150 homes have been built, with payments that are income-based and supplemented by subsidies from the foundation. It is also hoped that the homes will serve as a green model for rebuilding in New Orleans as they are equipped with such eco-friendly features as solar panels and energy-efficient appliances.
To help the Make It Right Foundation with further construction of homes in New Orleans, Supreme Master Ching Hai contributed a gift of US$50,000, which was presented by our Association members on December 20, Golden Year 5 (2008) to Executive Director Tom Darden, along with Master’s publications, SOS flyers and chocolates. Mr. Dardan was impressed by Master’s generous gift and gave many thanks to Her. He was delighted to see the vegetarian cook book, as many of the organization’s staff are vegan! He had also heard of Master’s best-selling books. He chatted with our Association members on the current state of global warming and how all people around the world could help save the planet by being veg and going green. Our gratitude and Heaven’s blessings, Brad Pitt and Make It Right Foundation, for this noble initiative. May your star continue to shine ever bright in bringing hope and new opportunities to many people’s lives.
Defenders of Animal Rights
By San Francisco News Group (Originally in English)
About 30 years ago, when no one had heard the term “Animal Rights,” a group of legal professionals came together by their shared passion for animals and started The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) that employs the legal system to promote the best interests of animals. ALDF members contribute in many ways such as calling in to report cases and writing letters to local prosecutors and legislators. Over time, they have built an organization that has now 110,000 supporting members, 20 people on staff, and many attorneys, who do free legal work to help take their cases. There are now 114 chapters of ALDF and 96 animal law classes being taught in American and Canadian law schools. During a recent interview with Supreme Master TV, Joyce Tischler, one of the co-founders of ALDF and its first full-time dedicated employee, told our correspondent that as a policy, all people working in the building are vegan, because “We cannot work for animals and have the conflict of interest of eating them at the same time.” She added, “I want to be able to look at my plate and feel good about the food that I eat, that there was no violence done in order for me to ingest that and to have a wonderful, healthful meal.”
Upon hearing the story of ALDF, Supreme Master Ching Hai contributed US$10,000 to help the cause of the organization. On December 10, Golden Year 5 (2008), our Association members visited Joyce at the ALDF headquarters in Cotati, California, to present Master’s gift along with Her bestselling animal DVDs. They were given a tour of the offices and were introduced not only to the attorneys and staff members, but also to their dogs, who accompany them to work each day. Joyce and her staff were very touched by Master’s generosity and voiced their admiration for Her efforts to stop the abuse and killing of animals. It was a delightful visit for everyone, as they all felt the embrace of Master’s boundless love. Thank you, Ms. Joyce Tischler and all the caring members of the Animal Legal Defense Fund, for being a voice for the animals in the legal domain. To watch Supreme Master TV’s interview with Ms. Joyce Tischler on The Animal Legal Defense Fund, please visit:
Extending Master’s Love to the Homeless in the Holiday Season
By San Jose News Group (Originally in English)
On December 21, Golden Year 5 (2008), fellow initiates from San Jose Center extended Master’s love to about two hundred homeless and poor people in Christian Church near San Jose City Hall by providing them with brand-new sleeping bags, jackets, socks and a light meal of vegan sandwiches, cookies and beverages. They also prepared many gift bags, filled with stylish jackets and toys for children aged 5 to 15. SOS-Save the Planet and Alternative Living flyers were distributed along with the items to remind people to adopt recommended practices to save the planet and our co-inhabitants. A middle aged couple told them that the sleeping bags and heavy jackets were exactly what they needed to get through the winter when the shelters were full and they had to spend the night on the street. An old Asian-American lady was moved to tears as she received food and drinks from us. Several children were surprised and delighted to receive the new jacket and new toys. Fellow initiates sincerely thank Master for teaching them how to walk the way of love, and giving them this opportunity to extend Her infinite compassion to the less fortunate.