Media Helps Promote Vegetarianism
![]() By Dublin News Group (Originally in English)
[Dublin] From October to December 2008, several leading Irish magazines and newspapers published articles and Supreme Master TV program announcements which were submitted by the Dublin Center through a PR agent. For example, RTÉ Guide and TV Now Magazine posted the vegan cooking competition hosted by Supreme Master TV. Irish Daily Star wrote, “A campaign called Meat Means Heat, launched by Supreme Master Television earlier this month, is encouraging Irish people to reduce their weekly consumption of meat with meat-free Mondays.” In the article “The Meat Industry Pollution Provides Food for Thought” on December 11, The Irish Times laid out the damage that the meat diet is causing to our world from environmental destruction to food and water shortage. It concluded with the advice from Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is to eat less meat. “Apart from saving the world and reducing hunger among the poor, it might just save your own life. Excessive meat in the Irish diet is fuelling obesity, heart disease and cancers.” Our wholehearted gratitude, Irish media, for your noble efforts
of informing the public about the harmful effects of the meat diet. With
your help, and the help from other like minded people, we can turn the
world into a vegan paradise!