Realizing the Ideal of Be Veg, Go Green,
Save the Planet
Compiled by fellow initiates in China (Originally in
[China] While Association members all over the world
are earnestly advocating the vegan diet, fellow initiates in China
are keeping pace by sharing the Be Veg-Go Green-Save the Planet ideal
in several different ways. Their endeavors have received warm responses
from the general public.
Vegetarian Restaurants
The Shanghai Loving Hut opened by local fellow initiates
is located in the vicinity of three high schools and has become the
favorite of vegetarians and young people. At meal hours, there is
always an endless flow of customers. Fellow initiates in Inner Mongolia
operate two vegetarian restaurants and a store selling vegetarian
foodstuff produced by fellow practitioners. Plans are in place to
open a third restaurant.
Flyers and Participating in EP Seminars
Since the end of last August, fellow initiates in Inner
Mongolia have distributed several hundred thousand SOS flyers and
thousands of DVDs, which has received very positive feedback. They
have also participated in two environmental protection seminars to
share information concerning global warming and the vegan diet.
Vegetarian Food Tasting
At Beijing Language and Culture University and China Foreign
Affairs University, fellow initiates held vegetarian food-tasting
events buffet-style free of charge. They also played videos on climate
change and delivered talks on the diet and environmental protection.
Both teachers and students showed great concern about this crisis
and expressed their willingness to become vegetarians to protect the
Qinghai initiates posted Be Veg-Go Green-Save the Planet
public-benefit announcements on 100 buses in Xining to remind people
of this important concept. On ten bus routes in Urumqi City, fellow
initiates in Xinjiang Province placed posters advocating the message
“Go Veg for a Healthy Life.”
With the earnest support of the director of an advertising agency,
fellow initiates in Wuhan, Hubei Province negotiated a very good
price for placing banners on 200 buses. This publicity campaign
generated a lot of positive responses. A woman said that upon reading
the message, she could not hold back her tears, as she felt that
it was a message from the Buddha. She is an animal activist pushing
for legislation to prohibit the abuse of animals, and she kindly
funded the advertisements on 15 buses. She later had an inner vision—while
in a state of full consciousness, she saw a very beautiful, petite
lady saying to her: “Well done!”
in Major Public-Benefit Activities
Local initiates participated in an activity held by the
Yunnan Province Environmental Protection Bureau and EP groups from
14 universities, advocating “Love and Care for the Red-beak
Gulls (Larus ridibundus) and Building a Harmonious Spring
City (Kunming).” They distributed informative flyers and DVDs,
which evoked a strong interest in the relationship between the environment
and the vegan diet. Several members of the media filmed and interviewed
the fellow initiates. In Zhaoqing of Guangdong Province, fellow
initiates took part in the third annual Food Festival, where they
distributed vegetarian flyers, green shopping bags and DVDs.
Good Books on Vegetarianism
As part of an effort to share the message of Going Vegan
to Save the Planet, fellow initiates in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province,
especially those doing business or whose homes faced the main streets,
put up posters in their shops or on the outer walls of their houses,
recommending the book—The China Study, co-authored by
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II, hoping
that people would choose the correct diet after reading the truths
in this book. 