Out of his concern and love for the children of migrant workers and city slums in India, priest William John initiated a non-profit and non-governmental organization called “Living Hope Children’s Home” in 2002 to provide adopted children with proper accommodation, nutritious food, health care and education. The Home also teaches the children to grow their own vegetables in their garden and encourages them to keep a healthy plant-based diet. On February 16, Golden Year 6 (2009), our Association members from Taichung, Formosa, visited Living Hope Children’s Home’s Bangalore branch and interviewed its coordinator, Mr. Dhiraj John, who is also the son of the Home’s founder William John. The children warmly welcomed our Association members with broad smiles and expressed much joy when they saw gifts of sweets and chocolates. Mr. Dhiraj John was extremely delighted and touched by Master’s beautiful books, which were presented as a gift to the Home. He said that he would definitely incorporate the teaching of “The Noble Wilds” into his class and share the book with all the children, staff and the parents. He also expressed his appreciation for the climate change flyers and SOS DVDs, and promised to try his best to propagate this message. In addition, our Association members contributed Rs 6,000 to the Home. In the end, the children sang a beautiful Indian song for our Association members and performed a heart-felt moral theater piece for Supreme Master Television. May heaven bless Mr. John’s family for their noble endeavors
in helping the needy children in India and providing a safe and caring
home for them, including a loving and compassionate diet.