God’s Love Knows No Boundaries
![]() By Panama News Group (Originally in Spanish)
Throughout the months of November and December 2008, torrential rains inundated certain areas of the Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro provinces in Panama. Upon hearing about the plight of the flood victims, Master immediately sent US$10,000 to provide aid. As soon as the situation improved and the government allowed civilians back into the flooded area, our relief team from the Panama Center overcame the challenges of the difficult road conditions, drove to Bocas del Toro, a very remote mountainous area, and delivered relief packages to two temporary shelters from January 9 to 12, 2009. Apart from food, clothes and personal hygiene supplies, they also provided diapers, bathtubs and medicine for babies. The additional sweet treats brought much joy and comfort to the children, who had lost everything a few weeks before Christmas. The recipients, who mostly belonged to the Ngöbe Bugle ethnic group, were astonished to know that the beautiful lady in the picture (Master) had heard of their difficulty and sent people to help them. They were very thankful to Master and the relief team members, saying that they were the first to distribute the aid directly into the hands of the people. With the remaining relief fund, our Association members prepared special gifts for children that included food, clothes, toys and stationery supplies. On April 15, the special gifts were delivered to the Nutre-Hogar Foundation, which provides nutritional and medical care to children suffering from severe malnutrition. The relief team thank Master, whose love and assistance
knows no boundaries, for giving them this precious opportunity to
serve our fellow brothers and sisters in need. Expenditures by
Supreme Master Ching Hai
* Throughout the relief operation, fellow initiates paid for their own transportation, food and accommodation expenses.