(Originally in English)
In the online news magazine, The American Chronicle, France-based journalist Guénady paid tribute to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s efforts in alerting the world to the critical situation of a warming planet and for offering much-needed guidance as well as hope. The following are excerpts from the article she wrote in English, titled “Ching Hai Soars Above the Fray”: “In fact, it is Ching Hai and her followers who, almost single-handedly, have forced the worldwide media to – finally – report the story, untouched and untouchable for years, of what the most eminent scientists say about global warming... For we have not been told that the melting of the poles simultaneously creates toxic methane gas ‘chimneys’ in the polar seas. By the time the poles are gone, scientists estimate there will be so much toxic gas in the atmosphere that our earth will no longer sustain life as we know it now... But Ching Hai’s position is that there IS still hope. The meltdown CAN be stopped, even at this late hour. Our planet CAN be saved. How? By reducing global warming –fast— and one easy step which each individual can take, without asking any permission, investing in any material or consulting anyone, is to stop supporting the industrial production of animals for human consumption, which, it is estimated, contributes to more than 18% of the total greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.” In providing a brief background as to why humankind was led on to the path of the senseless destruction of innocent animals’ lives, Guénady exposed some truths about the industrialization of animal production for food after the Second World War and how meat consumption was promoted to the public as a healthy way of living, though in actual fact causes many illnesses and diseases. Following this discussion, she said of Master: “But people like Ching Hai, by their very natures, disperse the confusion that clouds the issues. Ching Hai attracts mainly ordinary people with her teachings, although there are also intellectuals and members of society's elite who have heard and responded, out of social consciousness...” And as Guénady informs us in her article, other media are finally taking heed of our planetary crisis and reporting what the scientists have been telling us about the melting ice and methane gas: “It is interesting to notice that, only a few weeks ago, BBC world service radio took up the subject of the methane gas chimneys for the first time. Friends in the States tell me the media there is now, at long last, also reporting on the problem.” Reputable sources like The New York Times and Yale University have also printed recent reports. Guénady concluded on an encouraging note, that there is still time to avert this impending global catastrophy: “Let us hope that Ching Hai is right and that there is still hope that Humanity will, once again, survive a crisis that is, ultimately, of its own making.” Indeed, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s extraordinary
endeavors and leadership have inspired many to make the life-saving change
needed to save the planet. We wholehearted thank journalist Guénady
for her bold, informative and supportive article, and join the author
in her optimistic outlook that we not only will triumph over this planetary
ordeal, but with Heaven’s grace, will create an even better world
for all co-inhabitants.
(The New York Times)