Master Says
Practicing Selflessness to Honor Our Own Perfection
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Gathering in Europe, March 8, 2009 (Originally in English)
So if you don’t do anything good now, if you don’t do anything to your perfect expectation in this lifetime, you have to come back again, even if you are my disciple, because you yourself will not accept imperfection, because you are perfection. There’s no God to kick you down from Heaven. There’s no karma; there’s no Maya king who’ll even drag you down. No more. If you are my disciple, you will be exempted from that. Even if you do something wrong, you have to pay before you die, that will be done; but you will not accept yourself. When you go to Heaven, you will see everything clearly and you won’t accept yourself as an imperfect being, so you’ll have to come back again and do it until you’re happy with yourself. Do you understand me? (Audience: Yes.) So everything we have to do, we do it to our utmost perfection, and quietly, humbly, as much as possible. No need showing off, no need telling people, and don’t make a big deal out of nothing. And don’t use Supreme Master Television or Master’s work or Center work as an excuse to burden other people. Do you understand me? (Audience: Yes.) Are we clear? (Audience: Yes.) Are we clean? (Audience: Yes.) Good! We have to be clean because if we aren’t doing that, it is similar to people outside who take bribery or who are using their position to do something to make it comfortable for themselves; then we are not anything different. We just sit there wasting time. That’s why some people ask me, or some people don’t ask me and someone else asks me for them, “Oh, they sit in meditation four or five hours a day.” I say, “What for? The world is in trouble, and you sit there four or five hours a day, doing nothing, only two of you.” You know, boy friend, girl friend, and then make a little bit of money, and live enough, have a house, comfortable, sit all day. The world is in trouble, people are dying of hunger every day, children, old, young, able-bodied with no work to do, cannot find work, because of global warming or the global economy, or because of incapable leaders who make them suffer. And the animals are tortured every day, and you sit there four or five hours a day, thinking nonsense. I’m not sure that you can sit four or five hours a day, and concentrate and all that, and get up to the higher level, no! When you’re selfish, you can sit thousands of years, and you go nowhere. Do you understand me? All these years I teach you, even in a different lecture, a different tone, different way or formulation, it’s all about selfless love. And this is the time you should exercise these selfless lessons that you have learned. And if you haven’t exercised it by now, there’s no chance you’ll exercise it again. Not every planet is going into almost extinction like this so that you can go out and rescue it and then get merit. This is the greatest chance you have. Of course it’s a very sad thing that our climate is getting warmer, and our globe is going into trouble. It’s a very sad thing. But on the other hand, it’s your great opportunity to prove that you’re worth it. We’ve been eating food from the world all this lifetime, until we grow up as 20, 30, 40 years old, and how much did we repay society? So don’t make excuses for me. You are my disciples. You make me proud. You make me proud with your right conception, with your honesty with yourself. Honesty with yourself is the hardest thing to do, but you have to do it. There’s no other way you can progress, if you’re not honest with yourself; because I am not there to check you out every day. Even if I’m there, I will not tell you. It’s your choice, to be honest with yourself or not. I only give you guidance; you guys have to be honest. But it’s your choice, it’s your life. You decide what you do. You decide how you translate this selfless love into action. Everyone says, “Oh, I love Master! Oh, I love all the people, I love the animals!” Then do something about it. Talking is cheap. Translating Love into Action So, the way we can measure ourselves or anyone is by action. By the fruit, the tree will be known. If an apple tree is just standing there, broadcasting from all over his body, on all the branches hanging there: “I am an apple tree, apple tree; I’m a fantastic apple tree,” but he has never produced one apple, what do you think? Isn’t that funny? So, just being a disciple, or being a so-called saint, and sitting there four or five hours a day, idling around, taking care of yourself only, that is not the way to live a human life, not to talk about a saintly life. Nowadays sometimes you have easy access to computer, and you can earn money easily; some of you are smart and you earn money easily without working too much. But then you should use that blessing to go out and help other people; wake them up, or do something for them. Do it together or do it alone; do something to help the world. Because God blessed you, so you use it to bless others. Just like the water tank got filled with good, clean water. Then that water tank is to be distributing water to the whole household, or the whole city, not to keep it for himself; it would be rotten and bad. So it’s not just good to sit or listen to the tape, where Master says, “Oh, we have to be unconditional” and then go out and tell everyone, “Oh, you have to be unconditional, you’ve got to be selfless.” You must be first. You cannot expect your neighbors to do it. Example is more than preaching, better than preaching, so we have to do what we can, the best we can. Do not be too comfortable in your blessed position, because then you won’t go anywhere. Later when you go up to Heaven… You won’t go to hell, of course, because you did nothing wrong, and you are my disciple, surely you’ll be in Heaven, fine. That I can promise. But you will look, when you go up, and you’ll see all other saints, disciples, your brothers and sisters, go up, up, up, up, up to the higher level, and you sit in the lower third area. Third level, but a low third, and you look at them going up, and you look back at your record of your life, because every life is recorded to the minutest detail. The whole universe knows what you’ve been doing, even if you do it in the dark. So when you look at your record - oh, you will feel terrible, you will feel absolutely ashamed of yourself, that no God can even comfort you! No Almighty power can tell you, “Oh, it’s okay, kid, you’re alright, you’re just human.” Of course, everyone forgives you, because in Heaven, there’s no hatred, no unforgiveness. Everyone is looked upon kindly by all beings in Heaven. But you, yourself, born from perfection, will not accept your imperfect action. That’s why people come back again and again, into a human world, or any world, to redress their past mistake. But when we go down, forget again, we get tempted into a different comfortable zone or situation. It’s nice: You just have a boyfriend or girlfriend and are cooped up together, all day kiss, kiss, hug, hug, for example, and then you’re too comfortable; you earn a little, enough money, easily, and have a home or something. That is okay under normal situations, but the world is aflame, and animals are suffering every day. I could not bear to look at the Tuesday (Supreme Master TV) program. I look at it, I scream, and I cry so much. Sometimes I have to look, to reinforce my heart even more, but how can anyone enjoy? You can; of course you can enjoy your privacy and your blessed situation, but use some of it to help others. Audience: Every day, I can feel like the same way, the suffering of this world... Yes. Never mind. Feel suffering is okay, but go do something. Do the best you can, the best thing to your conscience, not to me, not to the animals, not to the world even. You do until you feel that, “Okay, I’m a good human, and I’m a good follower of the teaching of the saints. I’m a good Buddhist, or I’m a good Christian...” You have to truly know it, not just making an excuse for yourself. Practice Unconditional Love Until It Is Second Nature It’s very easy: Just try it and then it becomes like your second nature. If you don’t try it, it will never reawaken within you. You tried vegetarian then; now it becomes your nature. You cannot eat meat otherwise; you can’t, not even if people force you or give you money, you can’t do it. It’s become your habit now, your nature. And also your intellectual understanding of the vegetarian, compassionate diet, that makes you so firm in your decision. I guess sometimes, you remember before you ate this and that, but you will never go and eat it now. Like you remember chicken or fish or whatever, but you will never go back to eat it. It’s just a habit of the mind thinking, that’s all, but you know it’s wrong. Yes, not because of taste, even not because Master says so, but now you are firmly in your moral understanding; your intellectual understanding accepts it, your heart knows it’s a good way, so you won’t ever go back to eating meat. Not because it’s forbidden or anything else even, you just know it. The same with love in action: if you do it, you understand the meaning of it. First, it’s good for you because of your spiritual elevation. Second, of course, it’s good for others. So anything you do, you do for yourself first. We don’t do it in that attitude, of course. But I just want you to know that whatever you do for anyone, don’t expect him to thank you, and don’t expect me to praise you. I sometimes do. I say, “I’m proud of you,” and all that, but don’t take it. Of course I encourage you, but whatever you do is for yourself. Anything good you do comes back to you many fold, so you must understand this concept. So anything you do, don’t expect anything, and then you get it, because you do everything for yourself. You know, like attracts like. That’s why husband and wife stay together. If they have a lot of common sense, a lot in common, then they stay longer. You see what I mean? Opposites may attract, but similarities endure and stay longer if you have some more things in common together. We can do anything we want. We have to be strong, that’s it;
we are God! Or, at least we are God’s children. God’s
children are God’s children. We’re not human children;
we’re God’s children. Jesus told you that. And Buddha
said you are Buddha: “You have Buddha nature inside. I can be
Buddha; you can be Buddha.” So behave like God’s children;
behave like Buddha. Don’t make any excuse to me, because it’s
not my life. I’ll go to Heaven, so it’s up to you to come
with me or not come with me. There’s no excuse at all. What
for would you make excuse to me? I could say “Okay,” or
“Not okay,” but it’s your life. We have to be strong,
because we are the children of God; we’re the children of the