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“Yes We Can – Save Our Planet!”
By Tokyo News Group (Originally in English)
[Tokyo] Roots & Shoots, the Jane Goodall Institute’s program for youth, is a global network of over 8,000 groups in more than 100 countries with the mission to foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs, and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment. On March 13, Golden Year 6 (2009), the Yokota Roots & Shoots Club sponsored by one of our fellow initiates in Fussa, Japan, presented a DVD on Climate Change and Global Warming to a middle school. The film, produced and narrated by the Club members that included a trailer from The 11th Hour and an announcement from Supreme Master Television where VIP leaders from around the world discussed the global warming crisis, has generated positive reviews from students and faculty. On Earth Day, April 22, the Club had a vegan bake sale in the school, bringing attention to the fact that vegan food can be delicious and also good for our planet. All the students enjoyed the baked goods and the proceeds from the sale were contributed to the school’s parent teacher organization. When they began singing two environmental songs, some students went outside with a teacher and planted two trees, a Japanese maple and a Sakura (Japanese ornamental cherry tree). The AFN (Armed Forces Network) television crew and the Stars and Stripes newspaper were on hand to capture the planting on film. The video report of the tree-planting ceremony was aired on AFN television in Japan, Korea and Guam as well as online while another feature was televised in the US, Europe and the Pacific. The local AFN radio station broadcasted an interview as well.
The next focus of this group is to run an online Youth Earth Pledge
survey to gather support for the coming Copenhagen Climate Change Conference.
The Roots & Shoots Club has demonstrated that young people can actively
make a difference and are committed to helping our planet! To sign up for Youth Earth Pledge, please visit: http://www.yokota-roots-and-shoots.org/
Leading the Way to the Plant-Based Diet By Gunma News Group (Originally in Japanese)
The seminar attracted people from all circles of society, including reporters from The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun (daily newspaper). Videos on the global warming crisis, the connection between animal husbandry and climate change, the benefits of the plant-based diet, and the food shortage crisis were shown. Four professionals from different fields then shared their views. As the number of attendees increased with each seminar, fellow initiates received greater support and feedback from people. Many guests said that they would share what they had learned with their friends. One person who had attended one of our seminars four months ago said, “The message conveyed in this seminar has been more profound and has carried a stronger impact, moving me to tears. I shall strive to save the planet.” This event has changed the mindset of some people who had been adverse
to the plant-based diet, and convinced them to become vegetarians. Thank
You, Master, for all Your blessings.