The Newest Addition of Loving Hut in the Sunshine State
By Florida News Group (Originally in English)
The Grand Opening of the first Loving Hut on the East Coast took place
in Orlando, Florida, on March 14, Golden Year 6 (2009). Master’s
blessing power was present during the celebration and the hearts of the
participants were filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share Master’s
compassionate vision to encourage a more sustainable planet.
Representatives from the offices of Florida State Governor
Charlie Crist and Orlando City Mayor Buddy Dyer called the day before
the event to welcome Loving Hut to the community. Mr. Larry Rumbough,
a long-time vegan advocate and friend of Mr. Howard Lyman (author of
Mad Cowboy), presided over the ribbon ceremony. Mr. Larry said that
the vegetarian group’s growth started from just a few people but
catapulted to more than a thousand in the past six years alone, further
attesting to the veg trend in the area.
Loving Hut staff thanked those who helped realize this noble
dream and joyfully served vegan meals to all the guests. DiViNCi and Solillaquists
of Sound entertained the compassionate diners with celestial music and
songs. Guests welcomed packages containing spiritual information, SOS
flyers and DVDs about global warming.
Upon being informed about the news, Dr. T. Colin Campbell,
co-author of the ground-breaking book The China Study, wrote back:
“Congratulations! You opened on my 75th birthday--what a nice present!”
Dr. Will Tuttle, author of World Peace Diet, also visited Loving
Hut after the grand opening and promised to come back later to introduce
his book at the restaurant.
Many satisfied patrons have already left enthusiastic reviews
about Loving Hut on the internet, such as “The menu is overwhelmingly
incredible … Loving Hut is certainly the healthy choice among the
fast food chains and awesome vegan food with a purpose.”
May the seeds of compassion take root and blossom in the days
ahead. Through Heaven’s grace and mercy, we can share a true golden
age where nations erase boundaries and people and animals live together
in peace, beauty and love.
Loving Hut Florida web site: http://lovinghut.us/florida/
Grand Opening Press Release: http://lovinghut.us/florida/200903_Release.html
Video clip of the grand opening of the first Loving Hut in Orlando, Florida:
A Passionate Veggie Pride Parade
By Los Angeles News Group (Originally in English)
Angeles] On April 26, Golden Year 6 (2009), nearly 1,000 California
citizens began a 5,000-meter walk in Culver City, West Los Angeles. Inspired
by similar events that took place in New York City and France, Animal
Acres organized the first Los Angeles Veggie Pride Parade! About 200 of
our Association members, adorned in cute fruit and veggie costumes, held
informative, eye-catching signs to educate people about the environmental
and animal welfare benefits of a vegetarian diet. Some even participated
with their beautiful children dressed in animal costumes and lovely pets
wearing vests inscribed with the words “I’m Vegan!”
Everyone’s enthusiastic chanting “Be Veg, Go Green, Save the
Planet!” heated up the streets, often stopping traffic as cars honked
in support!
the walk, participants gathered for a post-parade rally with special guest
speakers Mr. Rory Freedman, author of the New York Times’ best seller
Skinny Bitch, and Ms. Karen Dawn, author of Thanking the Monkey,
Rethinking the Way We Treat Animals, which was ranked one of 2008’s
top new books by the Washington Post. Organizations and citizens
favoring the plant-based diet, animal rights and a greener planet celebrated
the vegetarian lifestyle with music, entertainment, a costume contest
and vegan food from the area’s top vegan restaurants!
Celebrating Earth Day with Action
By San Jose and San Francisco News Groups (Originally
in English)
On April 25, Golden Year 6 (2009), the San Jose Center joined the annual
Earth Day celebration at the Civic Center Park in downtown Berkeley, California,
a community famous for free-speech movements and grass root campaigns.
Starting that day, the Ecology Center’s year-round Berkley Farmers’
Markets are now eliminating all plastic bags and packaging, as the first
neighborhood in the US to lead such eco-conscious efforts.
Association members from San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles
and Fresno worked hard to distribute as many SOS flyers, DVDs, T-shirts
and buttons as well as Master’s press kit as possible. Hearing that
the Dalai Lama, who happened to have a scheduled talk nearby, was featured
in the SOS DVD, people said they would surely watch the video content.
A few initiates dressed in lovely animal costumes with the “Be Veg,
Go Green, Save the Planet” slogan. The Center’s kitchen team
prepared many different tasty vegan delicacies for free sampling, which
drew a large crowd, making their booth the busiest attraction in this
initiates also collected 906 signatures in one day to petition the local
cable companies to air Supreme Master Television programs. Many supporters
thanked them for doing such noble work for the planet. The manager of
the Sustainable Energy Fellowship Program for the city of Berkeley and
an organic farm business owner from the Berkeley Farmers’ Market
accepted an interview with Supreme Master TV.
It was a very engaging day for the initiates and they thank
Master wholeheartedly for having given them this opportunity to work together
for our planet.
Young Students with Brave Hearts and a Noble Purpose
By Boston News Group (Originally in English)
On his tour of some American universities, the young and talented
Australian filmmaker, Aaron Scheibner, showed his film A Delicate Balance-The
Truth to audiences at New Hampshire University, Harvard University
in Massachusetts and Brown University in Rhode Island from April 27 to
May 1, Golden Year 6 (2009). The film documents the discoveries of some
of the most prominent nutrition experts in the world, and reveals the
direct link between the plant-based diet and people’s health, as
well as global warming and world hunger. People who attended the screening
were very impressed by the information learnt from the film and they asked
Aaron a lot of questions.
A Delicate Balance-The Truth has gained enthusiastic
support from many like-minded groups such as The Supreme Master Ching
Hai International Association, Harvard Vegetarian Society, and the Brown
Animal Rights Club. The Boston initiates helped promote the film with
printing, posting and distribution of flyers, prepared vegan food for
the guests, attended the screening seminars, and even provided accommodation,
maps of other states and a GPS for the screening crew. Working with these
young brave students on the same noble purpose of waking up people to
save the planet was a great experience for the Boston initiates. Their
hope is that the film will inspire more people to quickly change to the
healthy and compassionate vegan lifestyle.
For more details, please visit: http://www.adelicatebalance.com.au/about.html
The Efficient SOS Flyer Distribution Team
By San Diego News Group (Originally in English)
Diego] In the summer of Golden Year 5 (2008), fellow initiates from
the San Diego area formed a flyer distribution team to spread the “Be
Veg. Go Green. Save the Planet.” information every other Saturday.
From the beginning of Golden Year 6, they have extended their efforts
to every Saturday as more and more initiates are inspired to join the
So far, they have been successful in talking to many store
managers about the urgency of global warming and its simple solution–the
vegetarian diet, thus convincing them to share the flyers with their customers
and staff. Furthermore, the team takes every opportunity to join the numerous
street fairs to pass flyers such as the Chinese New Year Festival and
St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival.
Through carrying out these noble actions, the team members
feel abundant blessings from Master and are elated in spirit. They sincerely
appreciate the opportunities to develop their saintly quality and to expand
their love by unconditionally offering the truth to the people.
A High-Spirited Earth Day Fair
By Los Angeles News Group (Originally in English)
Diego] On April 19, Golden Year 6 (2009), in celebration of Earth
Day’s 40th anniversary, nearly 200 Association members from California
and other states participated in the San Diego Balboa Park Earth Day Fair
Children’s Parade. Reflecting their theme of “changing to
a compassionate plant-based vegan diet,” they dressed up in animal,
vegetable and fruit costumes, and walked proudly with their children and
pets. Everyone was in high spirits, carrying signs and banners, and chanting
“Be Veg. Go Green. Save the Planet!” In addition, they provided
delicious vegan food, exhibited Master’s books and art work, as
well as aired Supreme Master Television programs. They also handed out
more than 1,000 SOS flyers and DVDs along with the reusable Alternative
Living shopping bags. Many exhibitors took the chance to introduce their
environmentally friendly products and services. It was a great opportunity
to promote the vegan diet and exchange the newest conservation ideas with
fellow citizens.
Raising Awareness of Global Warming at the Earth Day Event
By Virginia News Group (Originally in English)
On May 3, Golden Year 6 (2009), fellow initiates from the Virginia Center
participated in an Earth Day event in Mount Trashmore Park, Virginia Beach.
They distributed SOS flyers and DVDs, showed Supreme Master TV programs,
and offered vegan sandwiches and banana cake samples to the participants.
People responded very positively to the “Be Veg, Go Green, Save
the Planet” message. Many expressed interest in the recipes for
their children who had just became vegetarian. A lot of people were pleasantly
surprised by the delicious vegan food and kept coming back for more. Concerned
about the current global warming crisis, guests willingly signed the petition
to enable Supreme Master Television to be broadcast on cable TV, making
it possible for its programs to reach more viewers in the US.
Join Hands in Go Green Expo
By Pennsylvania News Group (Originally in English)
From March 13 to 15, Golden Year 6 (2009), the Go Green Expo took
its US national tour to the Philadelphia Convention Center in Pennsylvania.
Mayor Nutter, who presided over the ribbon-cutting ceremony, announced
that Philadelphia is exploring more efforts in making the city one of
the greenest cities in the country. Nearly 6,000 attendees participated
in the event and hundreds of booths were set up to showcase the most recent
technologies supporting the new green trends of saving the planet. Seats
at the discussion areas were filled with eco-conscious participants who
were eager to find out more information on greener lifestyle.
Our Association members from Pennsylvania, New York and New
Jersey joined this event to bring the message “Vegetarianism is
the best way to save the planet from global warming.” At their booth,
they played Supreme Master TV, offered free vegan food samples and handed
out thousands of SOS flyers, shopping bags, pens, recipe books and “Veg
for Life” information booklets. People who tasted the delicious
vegan sandwiches and desserts nodded their heads in approval and came
back for more. A lot of them said that they would consider being vegetarian.
Many expressed their appreciation for the work of our Association does
and said they would join the efforts in saving the planet, our precious
Schools Join the Plant-Based Diet Movement
By Hawaii News Group (Originally in English)
On April 17 and 18, Golden Year 6 (2009), initiates from the Hawaii Center
participated in the annual Family Fair Event held at Iolani School, the
alma mater of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China. They distributed
vegan food samples, SOS flyers and DVDs, Alternative Living Recipe booklets,
and scientific reports on climate change and its solution - the animal-free
diet. Visitors were impressed by the selfless and loving acts of the initiates,
and were grateful to know such important information about the vegan diet
and our planet. Several people promised to watch the SOS DVD carefully
at home, as well as tune in to Supreme Master TV to learn more regarding
this subject. They said that Hawaii needs more vegetarian restaurants
that sell such good vegan food. The initiates were greatly encouraged
by all the support received from the school community.
On April 22, Hawaiian initiates were invited to prepare a vegan
lunch for the 60 students, staff and faculty members at the Pacific Buddhist
Academy (PBA) High School in Honolulu for their Earth Day celebration.
Everyone was surprised to find how tasty vegan food can be. Mr. Joshua
Morse, Assistant Head of the School, said that vegetarianism is a very
important part of the Eco-Friendly Lesson Plan which teaches students
different ways to protect the environment.
Let’s hope more schools will encourage their staff and
students to partake in the plant-based diet movement.
More Helping Hands Join the Go Veggie Movement
By Rochester News Group (Originally in English)
[Rochester, NY] From their interaction with people, fellow initiates
from Rochester, New York observed that the world has changed and there
are many people who want to spread the Go Veg message.
For example, when the initiates found that they had extra “Be
Veg, Go Green” lawn signs, they offered them to the members of RAVS
(Rochester Area Vegetarian Society) at one of their monthly meetings.
People were so excited to have the signs that they rushed and climbed
over chairs to get one and there were requests for more.
another occasion, at the parking lot of a vegan restaurant, a gentleman
saw the “Be Veg, Go Green” bumper sticker on an initiate’s
car and asked if they had another that he could have. They left one for
him at the restaurant the following day. The owner of the restaurant later
told the initiates that many more people asked for the bumper sticker.
He offered to hand out all the ones that the initiates had.
How wonderful to see that the consciousness of the world has
been elevated so dramatically.