We Can Save the World
![]() Compiled from Master’s lectures
(Originally in English and Chinese) Showing compassionate concern about the crucial issue of climate change, Master told us on February 21 that we still can save our planet by giving up meat. We should be vegetarian, as scientific research has proved that following a non-meat diet will cut greenhouse emissions, mainly from the livestock industry, by at least 80%, which will subsequently stop global warming. Our survival is dependent on our strong will and loving action. Master impressed upon us that whatever we do, we do for ourselves, and this also applies to the distribution of flyers and writing of letters to the government. “If we do not try to save the planet, once we go back to heaven, we will regret not having taken the chance to participate in the life-saving activity, because that is the best merit we can have. Anything we do towards saving lives, directly or indirectly, is a very big merit.” Master explained. Doing nothing beyond observing a vegetarian diet is only an enjoyment of better health and relaxation, which is not enough. In contrast, we earn extra merit from serving others that will take us to a higher spiritual level. Master, a loving mother to us all, gave us both inspiration on how we could proceed as well as fair warning of what passive ignorance could bring. She talked of how the people on Mars made no attempts to save their planet and ended up losing everything, while encouraging us to do all we can to save Earth, such as writing letters to urge the government to revise its policy and changing people’s eating habits. Saving the planet is not an easy task, Master said; it requires the will power of the whole planet. Master can elevate people’s souls even if they are not practicing the Quan Yin Method. When people die, She can take them to heaven, perhaps not to the highest heaven, but higher than the Astral plane of existence. However, She cannot interfere with their free will. People have to wake up. They have to want to survive and want to save their home for their children. To give us better insights on our planet, Master revealed that the Earth is not just trees and oceans, but also a benevolent “being” independent of us. The level of consciousness of the Earth can only go higher because the Earth only gives. However, as the planet tries to shake off the burdens, there are more disasters these days. Therefore, we are the ones who should be concerned, for when we destroy the environment, we will be gone; and spiritually speaking, we will have no merit. ![]() From a positive perspective, Master also told us how to overcome our negativity from past lives and attracted from the world in this life. To help us better understand, She elaborated further, saying that when we come down to this world to do something good, we balance ourselves by picking up some bad karma from the past. Like a magnet, the bad karma connects us with the negativity in this world through the law of “like attracts like,” and we become overwhelmed. If we want to improve ourselves and progress spiritually, we have to overcome our old inclinations toward negativity. We should think twice every time we show signs of turning toward that negative corner. We are the only one who can decide which direction we go. Master reminded us to always think and follow the teachings of Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed so that we will not be overpowered by our unfavorable past karmic tendencies and the force of negativity in this world. When answering a question about the effect of Supreme Master TV, Master said that anyone who watches its programs regularly will become a vegetarian. She is happy that millions of people have already adopted a plant-based diet as a result. To date, Master’s cooking shows on Sundays, alone, have turned three million people into vegetarians. Together with other vegetarian shows, it has brought the total to seven million. In a meditation session on February 27, Master asked us to watch Supreme Master TV news every day, for Supreme Master TV has the most accurate and useful news coverage. When the positive news makes Master and us happy, we will be one with Her at least in that respect. On March 1, Master told us that if we are enlightened and have much wisdom and ability, but then we enjoy it alone without devoting our wisdom, power and love to serving people in need, we sometimes fall ill, mentally or physically. That is because we have too much power. That is called the Zen sickness. The condition is comparable to a water tower that has fallen into decay after being sealed for a long time, or a water faucet that has turned rusty from prolonged lack of use. Whatever God gives us, Hes wants us to use. That is our mission. When we are connected with the great wisdom of the universe, we are like a water faucet that is connected to a water tower; the more it is used, the more water comes out; and while providing for others, we also cleanse ourselves. We should concentrate every day in doing what we should do like there is no tomorrow. Then we will feel lighter. To give us greater courage and faith, Master reassured us that we have God’s power within us and we can do whatever She can do. Even if we cannot attain Her enlightenment level, we can follow Her example in our outward actions. Some people, having been controlled by the social and political systems for too long, lose their self-confidence; they become defiant and like to debate. We should direct this confrontational power to performing useful acts, such as planting vegetables and trees, distributing SOS flyers, spreading the truth, and cooking vegan meals for schools. If we cannot do it well today, we can try again and do better tomorrow. We must be the master of ourselves and have confidence. Positive thinking will help us save the world, Master said during a meditation session on March 8. She quoted the Bible, “I tell you the truth. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” She went on to elaborate, “Moving a mountain and saving the world is the same, meaning something that seems impossible. But if we have faith, then it will be done. It should be done on time. That’s the problem. Let’s keep moving. Actually, I just had the feeling that we’ll be okay… We always have to hope. We all have to have positive thinking... We have to be together like one group. The more we’re united, the more supportive together, the more power we have.” ![]() Master advised us that the best way to serve others is to offer them the true method. But She has only one physical body in this world, and not everyone can see Her transcendental bodies. This is where we can serve as tools to help Her spread the message. Just as others had introduced Master and the Quan Yin Method to us, likewise, we could help other people understand Master’s teachings, and bring them to our Centers to read Her books and watch Her DVDs. It is best if they are receptive; if not, we shouldn’t force them. Once again, Master encouraged us to practice what we have learned from our enlightenment about unconditional love and sacrifice, and putting others before ourselves. If we don’t apply what we have learned, we won’t know that it is within us. And even if we do know, it remains insignificant unless we put it into action. If we don’t practice it, we will remain at the ABC level and when the big test comes, we will fail miserably. It’s easier to just stay at home with our partner, earn some money, have a very comfortable relaxing life, and not use much of our blessed knowledge that we have gained from meditation. However, if we use it, the more it will grow, like returns from an investment. Another piece of advice that Master gave was that we should do everything to perfection; otherwise, we will have to come back again and work at it until we are happy with ourselves. Now that our world is in trouble, it is time for us to exercise the lessons of selflessness that we have learned from Master by helping others and repaying society. On March 22, Master eased our fears of suffering, explaining
that when we suffer, we will think of God and want to practice spiritually.
Then we can help people. Helping them to know the true method is better
than offering material assistance. We can tell them about the liberated
way of life, and that they can be healthier and have a clearer mind if
they give up meat. Perhaps they will then have enough will power to seek
the way to liberation. When we see others falling the way we did before,
we can give them a hand, show them the way, and give them Master’s
information, books and videos. That is helping them with the true method.
When we save one person, this person may help others. Therefore, saving
one is in effect saving many more. That is a great merit.