Congressman Filho—
A Voice for the Voiceless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
By Brazil News Group
(Originally in Portuguese) As the founder of the Animal Protection Union (União Protetora dos Animais), vegetarian congressman Feliciano Filho has been a steady and powerful voice in São Paulo, Brazil, for our innocent, voiceless animal friends. A born animal lover, Feliciano has been an animal guardian since a very young age. His “career” as an animal advocate began with a visit to a local Zoonosis Control Centre in 2001. Deeply affected by the shocking conditions of the confined animals, he decided there and then that he would dedicate the rest of his life to those defenseless, tender beings. In answering the unspoken pleadings from some 150 animals there, he took immediate action and petitioned the Control Centre and the Department of Health to improve the conditions at the Centre and to cease the inhumane treatment of the animal residents. His determination and the power of love behind his action brought about changes within one day, including ending the practice of putting down animals in the Centre!
He then went on to spend the next five
years finding homes for the rescued animals, which eventually led to the
establishment of the non-profit União Protetora dos Animais (The
Animal Protection Union). The Union has since grown in strength and has
saved and re-homed many thousands of gentle lives.
Mr. Filho is also the producer and host
of the Animal Planet (Planeta Bicho), a TV series which shows animal rescues
and features those kind-hearted caregivers who welcome the animals into
their new homes. Throughout the program he attempts to raise public awareness
on environmental issues and uses every opportunity to encourage people
to become vegetarian. Given his credibility, many have chosen to move
to this noble way of living. To watch the interview with Congressman Filho covered by
Supreme Master TV, please visit:
For more information on Feliciano Filho, please visit