By Formosa News Group (Originally in Chinese)
At around midnight on January 11, Golden Year 8 (2011), fellow initiates in Formosa received notification of a special gathering at Hsihu Center the following morning. Within hours, thousands of initiates arrived at Hsihu early on Thursday and quietly gathered at the Forest Meditation Hall for group meditation. At about three that afternoon, they were awakened by a beloved and familiar voice, saying, “I thought only the most sincere would come, but you have all come . . . .” And with that, our beautiful Master appeared amidst spontaneous cheers, greetings and applause, which lasted a very long time! Master said that originally She had planned to meet everyone the following Sunday, but She couldn’t wait any longer as the Earth is changing so rapidly that sometimes She could only be certain about the events of the coming day. Master first thanked everyone for their efforts in helping the planet and other people over the past few years. She said, “I have felt your loving kindness, and your sincerity in your work. I greatly appreciate it!” She added that we have all come to Earth with a mission, and She also has Her own mission. Master said it was not until recently that She truly understood the words of the Earth Store Bodhisattva, “If I do not enter hell, who would?” She encouraged everyone to persist in their work of saving the planet. Seeing the initiates meditating in the open air, exposed to the weather’s chilly winds and steady drizzle, Master felt very sorry for them. She apologized with tears in Her eyes and said She wished that She had a magnificent temple for everyone. She then asked the initiates whether they would prefer for such money to be spent on helping those in need instead. Their response was unanimous: “Yes!” Master offered words of comfort, saying there are better things waiting for them in Heaven. “We might not have a temple, but we have everything—a method to ultimate liberation, teachings of compassion, a selfless spirit of sacrifice, and realization of the Truth of the universe as we continue to practice.” Therefore, getting wet in the rain in Hsihu occasionally is no big deal. Master said that our method leads to ultimate liberation and it doesn’t require control of the mind. We can eat, drink, have a family, wealth and a career while practicing at home, still attaining liberation and reaching the Fifth Level – not just the lower-Fifth, but also the middle-Fifth or even the higher-Fifth. Master explained that the Quan Yin Method can deliver all sentient beings. It is the “Universal Door” as described in Buddhist scriptures, and is a method meant to be shared with the people of the world. One not only benefits personally, but nine familial generations can be elevated, along with helping society, the Earth, and even the universe. Anyone who practices the Quan Yin Method diligently, apart from fulfilling their obligations towards family and society and helping others, definitely can attain the Truth, with results that come quickly. This method doesn’t require us to choose the extreme of forsaking everyday life; instead, we can practice in a very gentle and tolerant way, ascending swiftly with God’s love and Heavenly protection. In addition, as the power of God and Heaven are within us, it’s safer since we are using our own treasures. Master said that only the Quan Yin Method can enable us to enjoy a comfortable life and reach the Fifth Level through sincere spiritual practice at the same time. She was very happy to have the opportunity to impart this method to everyone. Assuring fellow initiates as well about its spiritual guarantee, Master said, “Practicing the Quan Yin Method is walking on the right path, the path that will truly take us Home!” As long as we refrain from harming other people and sentient beings, observe the vegan diet and continue on the right path, we will reach Home very quickly. Master also said, “In this world, it is difficult for us to forsake everything or to remember constantly to communicate with God. In practicing the Quan Yin Method, you have the Master Power to help you. If you fail to climb up today, tomorrow the Master will help you ascend higher. Even when you are up there, the Master Power will continue to help you. You are highly secure. This method is truly the best! Even if it is difficult to resist temptation, we are meditating every day. Should you forget, I will remind you, and the Master Power is also always helping and protecting you. I will never forsake you.” Immensely encouraged and inspired by Master’s discourse, fellow initiates were extremely grateful for Master’s grace.
After that, Master met with members of the working teams in the Treasure Pavilion. Master said that however much we might suffer or be in need, there are people who have less than we do. Also, even if we lack certain things, Heaven will compensate us with something even better in another area, such as the mental or spiritual aspects. Meanwhile, Master said that Formosa is becoming better and better, having survived several crises, and that the world also will become better. She further encouraged fellow initiates, saying, “If you have conflicts over trivial matters, do not blame yourself or others. Try your best to overcome them. Continue to work even if you have shortcomings; make up for your shortcomings with merits.” In order to allow fellow initiates who could not come to Hsihu on the first day would still have an opportunity to see Her, Master kindly consented to open Hsihu for group meditation the next day. Several thousand initiates braved the cold and rain to enjoy a warm and happy reunion with Master. Master told everyone the more people practice spiritually in the world, the easier it is for Her. Although many disasters have been occurring, they are for the purpose of purifying the atmosphere. Of course, Master has been doing Her utmost to help, otherwise, the situations could have been worse. Master suggested that fellow initiates live a simple life, eating just enough and keeping things uncomplicated so that we can make time for spiritual practice, because we never know whether we will still be alive the next day or next year. We should cherish every minute and second because we are running out of time. It’s not just because of the disasters in the world, but also because our lifespan is not very long. We have only one bodily temple, and we must make good use of it. Master further reminded us to conserve water resources, suggesting that we collect rain water in buckets to be used when there is a shortage of water. She also encouraged us to plant our own fruits, gourds and beans, and advised people to grow organic crops to benefit the world. Speaking more about eating, Master said that the Chinese can forsake anything except food and that fellow initiates who wish to fast should do so as their own challenge. They should not keep praying to Master to help them stop eating or to eat on their behalf. She also said it is not necessary to fast in order to practice the Quan Yin Method. This takes training and we should not bring harm to ourselves. Quan Yin practitioners have great blessings, so we can eat and drink while attaining liberation and reaching the Fifth Level through spiritual practice at the same time. Also, since all initiates are protected by angels, we can seek their assistance. Each angel has a specialty, so there is no need to pray to Master for everything. Master revealed that there are 700 angels helping Her to serve the world. However, these are still not enough because of the karmic hindrances still present. After the discourse, Master led fellow
initiates in chanting the Holy Names and meditated with them for half
an hour. This precious gathering concluded in Master’s pervading
love, which was received with boundless gratitude by the initiates. The
reunion might have been short, but the wisdom, teachings of Truth and
infinite blessing that Master gave us will shine forever in our hearts.