Peace and Loving Food List (incomplete)
Spoken by Supreme Master
Ching Hai, March 23-28, Golden Year 9 (2012),
International Gathering in Europe (Originally in English, Aulacese and Chinese) During Her intensive meditation retreat for the survival of the planet and the redemption of humans and animals, Supreme Master Ching Hai naturally discovered certain foods that can be consumed by humans, while causing least harm to the plants. Early this year, at the international gathering, Master generously shared the information with the disciples. She cautioned that it is important to take enough nutrition and if needed, consider adding supplements such as vitamins to your diet. She explained that even though with the list, our food choices may seem to be more restricted, compared to many people in the world, we have more than enough. In addition, when we take any food, the plant will automatically share our spiritual merit to evolve. Master said, “Because I love the trees, and I feel the pain they have, not because I want to go higher level with that… The trees cannot scream out, that is the worst thing. Just like you, you are tight, or you are made immobile, but then someone just keeps beating you or cutting you and you can’t do anything. That is terrible. We can run, we can kind of struggle and we can scream, but the trees cannot. The plants cannot.” That’s the reason She personally prefers to refrain even from cutting flowers. Master also explained at the December 22, Golden Year 9 (2012) video conference with Supreme Master Television staff, that She personally chooses to eat only the plants that have no feeling which include “two or three kinds of vegetables, melons, cucumbers.” Based on Master’s research, the following crops and fruits can generally be harvested without harm to the plants or trees, causing them minimal or no pain:
To harvest the following crops and fruits hurts the plants or trees (incomplete, only few examples): Rice, Fresh Beans, Sugar Cane, Banana (unless cut from the tree at 2/3rd like mentioned above) Sesame seeds, Peanuts, Sweet Yams, Cassava, Zucchini Master mentioned that the list above is by no means complete, but it serves as a guideline for us if we want to act in this direction. She lovingly reminded us to always be humble, always think of God and always have compassion in our heart no matter what we eat. “Be very grateful for the sacrifice of all creations. And be thankful to Heaven, to all involved in your meal, so that you have such a delicious fruit or vegetable, raw or not raw. So, don’t be proud of anything that you do, because we are zero here. Whatever we do, without the grace of Heaven, without the grace of initiation, whatever you do is all sin. Don’t ever be proud that you are vegan, vegetarian, or raw or whatever you eat or not eat.” We are extremely grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for sharing
such precious information with the world. May more Earthly people cherish
the knowledge and strive to live a simple life with minimal destruction
to other beings while following the noble spiritual ideal.