the Supreme Master Ching Hai Art Exhibition held at Putzu, Chiayi County,
Formosa, fellow practitioners, motivated by love and social concern,
offered free medical consultations in western and Chinese medicine to
local residents. On July 10, fellow initiates practicing medicine around
Formosa, including Chinese naturopaths, doctors of western medicine,
laboratory technicians, and nurses, worked generously in a concerted
effort to offer health advice to Chiayi residents.
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association has been providing
free medical services for a long time in Formosa. Participating members
include professional medical workers from major hospitals. As on every
previous occasion, the free medical services offered in Chiayi received
a widespread, favorable response among local inhabitants. Among the
services, both Chinese and Western medicine were equally welcomed. In
applying western medicine, initiates prepared medical supplies, blood
testing equipment, urine testing strips, an electrocardiograph, an abdominal
ultra-sound scanner, and the latest and most professional eye-examination
instruments used by ophthalmic experts. This was a great step toward
meeting the medical needs of local residents in this modern age. While
diagnosis and treatment were provided, much emphasis was also placed
on educating the people that prevention is better than cure. Almost
everyone who came for medical consultations requested a thorough checkup.
Even passersby registered immediately for medical examinations upon
hearing that such services as blood tests, urine tests and electrocardiographs
were being offered. This medical consultation activity proved to be
a tremendous success.
practitioners from the medical group, based on their consideration for
the needs of the people, provided the most convenient and practical
health services, thus giving those served a better understanding of
the multi-faceted, modern, and serving nature of our spiritual group.
This led to greater interest in and affirmation of Master's teachings
and compassion.