Media Reports


Woman's World, U.S.A. 7/27/99 (Originally in English)

Enjoying some green tea every day can protect you from stomach cancer.

Doctors say one in three of us is now at increased risk of stomach and esophageal cancers - but their simple strategies can cut your risk as much as 80%.

New tests, treatments and preventive measures have led to dramatic victories in the war against cancer; these days, more people than ever are surviving lung, breast, colon and other types.

But now a new threat is emerging: stomach and esophageal cancers. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) reports in the last 20 years, the number of people stricken with them has shot up as much as 350%, - and now, one in three Americans is at risk.

Preventing stomach and esophageal cancers is particularly important because they are difficult to treat.

"Unlike other cancers, they progress rapidly, and they usually don't produce symptoms until they're advanced," says oncologist Judy L. Smith, M.D., at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo.

Fortunately, the latest research is uncovering some simple strategies that can reduce your risk by an amazing 80% or more:

1.Putting out your inner fire

Smoking and heavy drinking increase your likelihood of stomach and esophageal cancers. But Swedish researchers have identified a surprise risk factor: chronic heartburn. In their studies, suffering from heartburn at least once a week raised the risk of esophageal cancer eight-fold!

People who eat just one vegetable a day are 60% less likely to get stomach cancer.

"Heartburn occurs when stomach acids splash into the bottom of the esophagus and irritate it." explains gastroenterologist Michael Kochman, M.D., of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "Over time, that can lead to cancerous changes in the cells lining the esophagus."

If you're prone to heartburn, doctors recommend avoiding caffeine, spicy foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppermint and alcohol; they all increase stomach acid. Eating five or six small meals a day instead of three large ones can also help.

Feeling the burn despite your best efforts? Don't be stoic. "An OTC or prescription antacid such as Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB or Zantac 75 will ease the symptoms and reduce irritation to the esophagus." Dr. Kochman says. If the problem persists, see your doctor; new and potent medications called proton-pump inhibitors have been proven to eliminate chronic heartburn for close to 80% of sufferers.

2.Putting less fire under your fare

Americans cook out more than twice a week during the summer months, but if you're lifting charred chicken and well-done burgers off the grill, you could be putting your stomach in jeopardy. Research from the NCI has shown that overcooking meat creates chemicals called heterocyclic amines, which have been linked to cancer in animals.

3.Eating like a cow

They get the bulk of their diet from plant foods, and following their lead can make you practically cancer-proof.

Previous research shows that eating just three ounces of plant food daily (the amount in either one cup of broccoli or an orange or one large carrot) makes us 60% less likely to develop stomach cancer. And the NCI just reported that a diet rich in yellow and orange veggies and beans can slash the risk by 80%.

"Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day can help you reap these benefits," says the American Cancer Society.

4.Getting your garlic

Hailed for its ability to lower cholesterol, garlic has now emerged as an equally powerful weapon against stomach cancer. Chinese researchers report that eating a clove a day can cut the risk by 40%.

"Garlic is rich in substances called allyl sulfides, which neutralize bacteria in the stomach and prevent the formation of nitrosamines - potent cancer causing agents that result from bacterial overgrowth," says New York City oncologist Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., author of Dr. Gaynor's Cancer Prevention Program.

"A whole clove of raw garlic is best, but you can also take 1,000 mg. of deodorized garlic twice a day." he says. Garlic capsules are available in drugstores, nutrition centers and supermarkets. -Denise Mann


Cancer-proof Your Coffee Break!


Trading your coffee cup for a mug of green tea can also protect your stomach and esophagus. The National Cancer Institute reports people who drink two or more cups of green tea a day lower their risk of esophageal cancer 60%, and probably lower stomach cancer risk as well.

"Green tea contains antioxidants 20 times more powerful than vitamin E, and 500 times more powerful than vitamin C, at protecting the body from cancer," says Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. And researchers say it also inhibits an enzyme called COX-2, which tumors need to grow.



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