of Events
from Sri Lanka
The Voice of Truth Sounding in Sri Lanka

The local Quan Yin messenger participating in a TV interview.
A very famous translator,
after helping us to proofread the Sri Lankan sample booklet,
agreed very much with Master's teachings, especially concerning
vegetarianism. She also admired Master's work and efforts as
a lady Master towards helping humankind. She then wrote an article
in a very popular local newspaper about Master.
the article was published, more people came to know about this
famous Lady Master. With the help of local Convenient Method
practitioners, we participated in two TV interviews. On July
13, our first TV interview was broadcast on a very popular local
channel, Rupahavini 2. The program was mainly in the local language,
but the interviewer made it bilingual with both English and
Sinhalese. We had about 15 minutes' time. The second TV program
was broadcast by ITN on July 28, Full Moon Day in the Buddhist
calendar. Full Moon Day is a very important holiday to Sri Lankans.
On that day, all shops and offices are closed, and people go
to the temple to worship. It is a very sacred holiday because
Shakyamuni Buddha attained full enlightenment on that day.
It has been really
meaningful for us to introduce Master and the Quan Yin Method
on TV to the local people. For both programs, the program editor
inserted some of Master's pictures from Her short video film
"Walk the Way of Love". Moreover, we provided our contact number
at the end of both the programs. And after both of them, we
received many calls from people who were really interested in
Master's teachings.
the ways in which these people wrote down our telephone number
while watching the TV program were very interesting, and showed
their sincerity. There was one gentleman who was watching TV
and choosing different channels. He came across the program
and was attracted by Master's picture. He was sure that we would
give our contact number at the end, so he prepared paper and
pen. That was why he called us. There was also a couple who
came for information saying that they could hardly get the contact
number because it was read out too quickly for them. However,
they still tried and it was the Quan Yin messenger who got their