Thanks very much for Your singing last night! I totally enjoyed it! I listened to Your transcendental musical voice wholeheartedly. Master, Your singing was a very special gift to me! The love You expressed in Your songs reminded me of a beautiful dream I had right before initiation. In that beautiful dream, I met a beautiful, most loving lady who was dressed beautifully, and talked to me very lovingly and sweetly! Master, I have always been yearning for love, unconditional love! And You showered me with the same all accepting and unconditional love again last night. When You came to see us, Master, You told us how happy You were and how proud You felt to see us. You thanked us many times for bringing the love of God to the people we met. But dearest Master, Your singing was very intimate to me. Through Your singing, You told me that You love me and I am very dear to You in Your heart! Master, in my beautiful dream, I was walking alone along a deep blue sea, with beautiful flowers on the seashore. It was a beautiful sunny day with a high, blue sky. I walked into a house that had no walls around it. It was a very nice and quiet place. I saw many transparent pieces of glass, like books, lying on top of each other. And to my surprise, on each layer of the glass, ants stood motionlessly! They were lined up in rows and columns very nicely. I thought, "How disgusting to have ugly ants in such a place!" Just as this thought bubbled up, another thought came to me from the beautiful lady. Her talk was very sweet like a bell. She told me in a loving voice that each ant resembled each drop of my tears through my countless reincarnations. Master, Your singing is like the
continuation of my dream. I don't understand Aulacese at all. But
it seemed to me that in a gentle voice, Master, You told me how miserable
You are to see me suffer life after life, lost from my heavenly home.
Like a mother, You gently cared for each one of my wounds through
Your loving songs. You told me how much You have missed me and how
much You want me to go back home with You. You confirmed to me that
I have only this lifetime to bear, and then we'll be together forever
in heaven. You conveyed to me that You are with me inside my soul,
protecting me and loving me. You asked me gently, no matter how hard
it seems, to be strong and carry on.