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It Was a Great Honor for Me... |
By Convenient Method practitioner
Ann Madden, Ireland
[Dublin] It was a great honor for me (less than two months after learning the Convenient Method) to share Master's teachings at the Fifth Irish International Mind-Body-Spirit Fair. The exhibition took place at the RDS Dublin (the hall where Master spoke in June) during the Bank Holiday Weekend from the 23rd - 25th of October, and was certainly a great success from the point of view of those working at The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association booth. Huge quantities of sample booklets were distributed and a significant number of people expressed an interest in learning the Convenient Method.
Awareness of Master's existence has certainly been heightened in Ireland since Her lecture in June. Many individuals who came to the booth had attended the lecture and very much admired Her. Beautiful pictures taken at the RDS in June by a photographer for The Irish Times enhanced our display. The video we presented, which mainly showed Master's lecture in Dublin, also attracted attention.
From a personal point
of view it was a privilege to be one of Master's representatives and to have
the chance to introduce people to Her teachings and to the Quan Yin Method of
meditation. I also derived great benefit from meeting a number of initiates
whom I had not met before, and found them to be encouraging, generous, humorous
and remarkable in their dedication to sharing the Truth. It is hoped that during
the New Year celebration a group from The Supreme Master Ching Hai International
Association, Dublin Center will participate in a similar event in Belfast (which
is particularly in need of Master's blessings) and possibly Cork also. I certainly
look forward to future opportunities to work for Master with fellow practitioners.
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