Love in Action


Awakened by the 9/21 Disaster
in Formosa

By sister initiate Tao Wei-ling, Taichung, Formosa

After a month-long earthquake rescue and relief effort in Formosa, attention has now shifted to the recovery stage. Thousands of houses have been leveled or rendered uninhabitable. People who have lost their homes and property face a difficult time ahead. Many have lost their loved ones and their jobs as well. Many are suffering great anguish and some have lost the will to live. The government is working with civilian groups to help the victims get on their feet again. They have arranged to pay death compensation, subsidies for fully or partially collapsed houses, and housing and living allowances to the victims. Other measures include psychological rehabilitation, medical treatment, environmental hygiene, education for children, and daily life assistance in the form of hot meals, clean water, and warm clothing. There is smooth coordination between the government agencies and private organizations, which consult with each other on ways to improve their services and assistance. The love within has been rekindled, pushing them to fully demonstrate the Truth, virtues, and beauty in their human nature.

The September 21 earthquake has brought much shock and lamentation, but I find that it has ignited the precious love and sincerity of the people. This marks the first step in our country's reawakening and spiritual revival.

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