Story World

A Miracle of "Skipping a House"

Narrated by sister initiate Jian Yu-shuang, Nantou, Formosa
Compiled by Nantou News Group, Formosa

All of the surrounding traditional clay houses collapsed except for Brother Jian's, which was the only one that was left perfectly intact. The concrete building at the rear of photo was a kindergarten. The earthquake exposed its reinforcing bars and cracked the floor. Some of the neighboring houses are covered with canopies for protection from the rain. The houses in the right front have collapsed and some have been cleared away.

The house where my father lived was a traditional Formosan clay house. After the earthquake, all the neighboring houses had collapsed, but my father's house was the only one that had not been damaged at all. The neighbors said that this was because all the members of my family were meant to attain sainthood, so we were protected by God. If one climbed up on the rooftop, one could clearly see that the walls of all the neighboring houses had collapsed, but those of my father's house had not; the quake had simply skipped his house and affected all the other houses.

My own house was less than ten meters from a hill that was about 100 meters in height, not very tall. After the earthquake, the entire hill had shifted away. Due to the movement of the hill, either the neighboring houses had entirely collapsed and become uninhabitable or the ground had severely risen in some areas. However, the hill shifting had stopped about two meters from my house. This was really inconceivable! One who had not seen this miracle personally would find it hard to believe.

Master Warms the Heart of a Semi-Victim The Immovable Cabinets
An Extraordinary Night
A Miracle of "Skipping a House"
Thanks to Master's Protective Vibrations!