and Intellectual Interchange
The Supreme Master Ching Hai,
the Quan Yin Method,
and the Chinese in Southeast Asia
in Southeast Asia
our group continued to grow, later on Centers were established throughout
Formosa, and people volunteered to be contact persons. In this way,
we set up many bases, and expanded to other countries, especially in
Southeast Asia. Since the chairman has asked me to talk only about Southeast
Asia, I will do just that and ignore the other areas. We have numerous
liaison points in Southeast Asian and other Asian countries.
more and more people learned about us, and as our contact Centers grew
in number, an increasingly large number of people asked to see me in
person. Since I could not be physically present everywhere, we began
to produce video and audio tapes so we could reach more people. Then,
we printed sample booklets for people who could not come to us. Later,
we also issued News magazines. That was how our group developed in a
natural way.
used to live in a tent.
contact Centers are not fancy or grand by any means. They are mostly
located in ordinary buildings; some are makeshift structures built with
thin metal sheets. They do not look in the least bit majestic. We haven't
built, and give little thought to building big, grand temples. However,
when our fellow practitioners find the contact Centers too shabby, they
try to do what they can to make them look better. We used to live in
tents; I still have a tent up on Mount Yangming. When I am back in Formosa
and if I can afford the time, I go and stay there for a while. We have
no plans to build anything for ourselves. Sometimes, however, it is
set up naturally.
Supreme Master, let me ask You a question. All of us have a complete
set of information prepared by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International
Association. As we listen to Master, let us turn to page 20 on "Activities
in Malaysia". Please tell us something about Malaysia, where most
of the people are Islamic. How did You succeed in promoting Your activities,
in sharing Your Method there, when so many other people couldn't? Can
You please elaborate on that?

in Malaysia, 1993.
Most of the Chinese are rather traditional by nature. The Quan Yin Method
makes no distinction between religions, nor does it mandate that people
should remove their veils or worship at temples. We have already explained
that the Quan Yin Method is a path that will lead us to our God Nature
and heavenly Kingdom within. It does not matter what religion you follow.
fellow practitioners from different religions meditate together while
dressed in different attire. The Muslims wear their Islamic clothes;
the Buddhist monks sometimes wear their monastic robes. Even monks from
different countries are dressed differently. Some of them are from the
Hinayana school, while some are from the Mahayana school; some are from
China and some are from Korea. They dress differently and are accustomed
to a wide variety of fashions. They gather together and meditate without
discussing any religious issues.
they attain self-realization, they become better Muslims, Buddhists,
or Christians. They are so full of love and joy that their traditional
appearance does not affect us. Of course, as the chairman knows, Malaysia
and certain other Muslim countries, being stricter than Formosa, impose
some restrictions on the people, but their governments do not interfere
with us. They are quite liberal. It is all right if the Muslims join
us on their own initiative. We have never gone knocking on their doors
or taken other actions. They come by themselves. At that time, we had
a note on our lecture flyers, "Muslims are not encouraged to come."
We all know that there were anti-Chinese sentiments in Indonesia.
That was in the past.
Right! Yet You were allowed to deliver a lecture there in 1992. This
is on page 21 of the information sheets provided by the SMCH International
Association. In March 1992, the Indonesian government permitted Supreme
Master Ching Hai to give a lecture, conducted in a question and answer
format, in its country. Can You tell us about it? In 1992, since anti-Chinese
sentiments were running high, Chinese literature was not allowed.

1993, Master delivers a lecture in Indonesia. The local media
report prominently on Master.
That is true.
I visited Indonesia around that time, too, but Chinese books were banned
then. How did You manage to deliver a discourse there?
I spoke in English. However, thank you for reminding me.
I had completely forgotten about the things that you just mentioned.
It seems like a remote story to me. [Master laughs]
Right! But we research associates of the Institute of Modern History
love to listen to stories. Could You please elaborate for us?
All right, but it was too long ago. When I finish a lecture,
I forget about it. Ask me what I talked about yesterday, and I can't
remember a thing. Let me take a look. Maybe it will bring back some
Let us listen to Supreme Master.
The Chinese expatriates in Indonesia were miserable at the
time. I cried when I heard their tragic stories. However, good will
be rewarded with good. As time goes by, the arrangements will be revealed.
You can see that the Chinese people there are much better off today.
God has Hiers arrangements. When people misunderstand or abuse us, we
should learn from the example of endurance and toleration of humiliation
set by the Chinese, and we will realize that God does take good care
of us. Sooner or later, Hes will fix it for us.
then, the Chinese people could not study Chinese. They could not even
speak their own mother tongue in public; they had to speak in English
or Indonesian. However, they could speak Chinese at home. When one of
our well-to-do fellow practitioners invited me to his home, all of us
just squeezed into his house. It was huge and had many rooms; we were
in a room that was as big as this one. There, we could speak in Chinese.
I gave my public lectures in English, though. I could not violate the
law. Since I was allowed into Indonesia, I had to cooperate, and everything
proceeded smoothly.
Let me ask You about Your trip to Thailand. Please refer to page 21
again. In 1994, You met Princess Sirindhorn at the Thai Imperial Palace.
Can You tell us about that?
That was after our lecture. The royal family knew and apparently
had approached our fellow practitioners about it. I don't know too much
about the background story. I was there on their invitation. In most
cases, our fellow practitioners make the arrangements for me. When they
inform me about the invitations they have received on my behalf, I accept
them when time permits. It seemed that Thailand had just suffered some
kind of disaster at the time, and we had contributed some relief aid
and provisions.

in Thailand, 1993. |
Quilts and woolen coats.
SMCH: That
is right. We did that on a number of occasions, not only that one time.
Perhaps the royal family had learned about our contributions and wanted
to meet us. It was quite an honor. We presented some gifts to the Princess.
But when they arranged for a second visit, I said "Sorry"
to them because I did not have time. I was busy with other matters.
Members of the Thai royal family are very humble and cordial. The Princess
is very pure; you will surely like her when you see her. She does not
act pretentiously. She does whatever has to be done, and wears no makeup.
The people love her dearly, and so do I. But I didn't have time later.
1996, upon learning that the cold in northern Thailand freezes
some people to death each year, Master personally leads volunteers
in distributing daily necessities to the needy in the area.
Please turn to page 22, about the activities in Thailand in 1999.
SMCH: That
was in Thailand. We have many activities there.
You have many activities in Thailand. The information here covers a
World Vegetarian Congress held in Chiang Mai. Can You tell us about
Your Centers in Thailand?
SMCH: Well,
we have many.
Do You have Centers in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Bangkok, and other places?
SMCH: Yes,
we have Centers in Hatyai, Khon Kaen, and Bangkok, but I can't remember
the names very well. Our fellow practitioners know better than I do.
I only travel around; I don't remember much. Sometimes I work so fast
that I forget the time. I have to call my fellow practitioners to ask
them the date, what time to do what, and if we are leaving for Japan
or staying in Formosa today. Sometimes, I am very busy, having to pack
my own luggage. It can be exhausting traveling alone, but I would draw
too much attention if I were to travel with a crowd. I prefer to travel
silently, but I have so many matters to attend to, that I sometimes
become forgetful. However, I know that we have Centers in Khon Kaen,
Hatyai, Chiang Mai and Bangkok; I don't remember the others. We have
a large number of fellow practitioners in Thailand. Some of them speak
Thai and some speak Chinese. Their translation is not bad. When I first
went to Thailand, some of the Chinese people could not speak their own
language, but they soon learned after listening to my audio tapes. I
joked about charging them a tuition fee! The people there are very nice
and benevolent; they have great respect for spiritual practitioners.
Once they notice that you are a spiritual practitioner, they kneel before
you and offer you flowers. They are a very humble people.
lecture, 1993.
Now, let us go on to Singapore. You were there as early as 1991. It
seems that there were some Aulacese refugees in Singapore at the time.
SMCH: Several
hundred of them.
What was the situation back in April 1991?
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