from Hungary
Divine Love
in Budapest
celebrate Christmas 2000 by sharing love with the needy, the Budapest
Center prepared a three-day food and gift distribution activity before
Christmas Eve.
initiates sharing warmth with the needy during the Christmas season.
crowds of people gathered in centrally located areas of Budapest to
receive the local initiates' humble drops of loving care. On the first
evening, hot soup, tea, warm clothes, blankets, and socks were distributed,
along with heartwarming smiles. During the following two days, approximately
twice the amount of food was required, as the number of participants
multiplied each evening due to the fact that the news reached more and
more poor and homeless people.
people receiving food and gifts, together with those who were just passing
by, stayed long after the distribution was over, telling initiates that
they remembered Master from Her lecture in Budapest in 1999 and wished
to know more about Her teachings, so we gave them sample booklets and
flyers. Some even inquired about the hours of operation and address
of the Center to make sure that they could contact us later. One enthusiastic
homeless person happily participated in the clean-up work by collecting
garbage and discarded plastic cups and plates on all three evenings.
There was another old lady who also stayed and gave us big hugs and
kisses, saying that she could not hold back the overwhelming feelings
of togetherness and gratitude arising within her, for the sharing and
the mere presence of our group had moved her very much.