Love in Action

Report from Hong Kong

One World in Brotherhood


Hong Kong Red Cross receipt for HK$30,000 in relief funds
World Vision Hong Kong receipt for HK$12,000 in relief funds

The world has recently suffered a series of natural disasters. Early this year, for example, central and northern Inner Mongolia in mainland China were struck by heavy snowstorms and sandstorms, which sent temperatures plummeting to 40 degrees below zero Celsius. Large numbers of livestock were killed, over 1.6 million people were affected, and there was an urgent need for food, warm blankets and clothing etc. On January 26, western India experienced a devastating earthquake that took the lives of over 30,000 people, caused massive injuries, and destroyed the homes of many more victims. All of these people require urgent assistance.

As members of this global village who share the pains and sorrows of others, Hong Kong initiates launched a fund-raising activity to help the victims. Initiates contributed generously, hoping to help the disaster victims through their tough times. Part of the money raised (HK$30,000 or US$3,800) was presented to the China Relief Fund of the Hong Kong Red Cross, and the remainder (HK$12,000 or US$1,500) to the India Earthquake Relief Fund of World Vision (Hong Kong).

Master has said that natural disasters are created by the mind. Thus, initiates realize how important diligent meditation is to purifying the world.


Love in Action



* Hong Kong

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