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By sister initiate Angela Battle, Johannesburg, South Africa
(Originally in English)

On a gentle day, She finds us,
restlessly cocooned in our fleshy mounds.
She reaches beyond the captious quarry of our shafted minds,
And extracts multi-faceted gems
glistening with unrelenting brilliance.
Our wealth overwhelms us,
as we watch in awe the treasures She reveals.
We hesitate, but then coaxed by Her lullaby aura,
rush forth to claim the riches,
As flashes of light dance in Her eyes.

And on this gentle day, She enthrones us with joy,
Like ancient royalty proudly reclaiming a stolen kingdom.
But in the night, our coronation is secretly ransomed
for Her silent tears of pain and sorrow.
Gratefully, the dawn finds a softly weeping rain of victory.
And we, unworthy of Her sacrifice,
proclaim this Her special day,
And celebrate Her Grace in the quiet peace of every gentle day.



* Memories of Hsihu-Dedicated to my Dearest Master
* A Gentle Day

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News No. 120