Video Seminar
than a thousand adults and children from all of communities in Tamanique
County came to this grand event. The venue was beautifully decorated
with colorful balloons and a yellow banner bearing Master's photo and
the greeting "Welcome to the El Jobo Community!" Despite their
difficult situation, the people were not depressed. Instead, they said,
"Supreme Master Ching Hai has brought us happiness, light, and
hope." Farmers from La Lima joined in the occasion and brought
with them a huge poster carrying these words: "Our heartfelt thanks
to Supreme Master Ching Hai!" To show their innermost gratitude,
they even brought along a band of tambourine and guitar players, who
entertained everyone with soul-touching music. Children from the Tamanique
Primary School and residents from other communities sang the El Salvadoran
national anthem together, as peace and harmony pervaded the gathering,
and joy shone on every face!
and helplessness are written on the faces of the homeless residents. |
hundred children queued up in an orderly way to receive a share of blessed
food-a tiny colored cloth bag, containing candies and cookies, which
were stitched by a sister initiate from El Salvador. The crowd was just
as orderly during the food distribution, but as more and more people
arrived, we began to worry that there might not be enough food. Fortunately,
however, everyone got a share. Later, a sister initiate responsible
for distributing the food revealed: When she noticed the large number
of people who had come, she immediately prayed to God and Master to
let the food increase in quantity. A miracle really occurred! The food
in the sacks seemed to be inexhaustible, as bag after bag was handed
out to the people. While absolutely amazed, we firmly believed that
all was the manifestation of Master's love, and we also believed that
it was a recurrence of Jesus Christ's historic miracle. In His time,
a large crowd was waiting for food. His disciples took out loaves of
bread from a basket to be distributed to the people, and a new loaf
of bread always appeared after one had been taken. In another corner
of the venue, a sister initiate and the local community leaders were
distributing a full truckload of zinc-plated roofing material and construction
tools to the people. Under Master's loving blessing, everything proceeded
Cumbre Is Not Forgotten
entertainment program, video seminar, and food distribution concluded,
and we still had many sacks of dried sweet corn left. God had made another
arrangement; a member of the El Jobo Development Association asked that
we send the remaining food to the adjacent La Cumbre community. With
assistance from the county government car team, we then went to La Cumbre
to distribute the dried sweet corn and Master's sample booklets. When
we arrived, all we
practitioners deliver relief provisions with Master's blessings
to affected areas, bringing hope to the victims. |
could see was the debris of ruined houses.
People were sheltered in makeshift huts built of wooden planks and plastic
covers, as most had lost their homes. The community's miserable school
had only three classrooms left, and these were also packed with victims!
Many children became orphans because their parents had been buried alive
during the quake. We were sad to see people suffering so much from this
catastrophe. Fortunately, however, God made sure that we came to this
place to share Master's divine love with our less fortunate fellow humans.