Pearls of Wisdom

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
during a seven-day retreat in Hsihu,
Formosa, May 5-12, 1991 (Originally in Chinese)

By practicing the Quan Yin Method, we change our spiritual condition, concepts and wisdom, and also our bodily organs and cells, which become refreshed and purged of toxins. If we have no time to meditate, these changes will not take place. If we are busy working hard for the multitude, or when we are too exhausted, these changes are not discernible. Otherwise, each time we meditate, all our cells are renewed; therefore, we say "return to childhood". We become younger not only in mentality, but in body as well. We feel healthier, our body becomes more supple, and our skin more tender. As all toxic substances are eliminated, we look better and better each day.

Except for the Quan Yin Method, I have not noticed any other method that can bring about changes that are so fast and marvelous. As you all know, there are many forms of exercises and tonics in society that claim to make people younger. However, the results have been unimpressive; even the people selling the tonics grow older themselves. (Master and everyone laugh) They also do not look pretty. Right? (Yes)


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