By a Quan Yin messenger
(Originally in English)
The largest of the Caribbean islands, Hispaniola, consists of two separate countries, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Despite their vast differences in culture, language and economy, the people of the two nations share the same warm, friendly, hospitable nature, and an innate attraction to true spiritual teachings, which is no doubt due to their pure, open hearts and simple lifestyle.
Front Line

Santo Domingo:

Spirituality and
Higher Thinking

Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic, is not new to spirituality and higher thinking, having dozens of health food shops and at least eight purely vegetarian restaurants, many of which contain information on meditation, yoga, alternative medicines, etc. posted on notice boards. Thus, advertising for the recent conference featuring Master's videos by local initiates proceeded smoothly. Upon receiving flyers about the conference, many people became excited, as they inquired about Master's teachings and the Quan Yin Method.

On the day of the event, the seats in the conference room were filled to capacity, and many more people occupied the floor area. The guests attentively watched Master's inspiring video lecture and during the question and answer session, asked numerous questions, demonstrating their earnest desire for spiritual understanding and high-level ideals. At the end of the conference, many people remained to learn the Convenient Method. After the Convenient Method meditation session, the atmosphere of the room became very peaceful, and the evidence of Master's blessing could be seen clearly in the wide smile fixed on everyone's face. With great enthusiasm, one lady wished to know how soon she could begin attending group meditation, as others eagerly registered for full initiation. One gentleman, a pure vegetarian for 22 years, after having seen Master's radiant transformation body during meditation, glowed with bliss as he registered for full initiation.

Following the conference, we were invited to hold two more mini-conferences, both of which attracted many more people who wished to learn meditation. Shortly after, one of our practitioners, having realized the need for a local group meditation venue, offered a building that we could use. Immediately, all the practitioners in the area were called and given the good news of the new center, and in the weeks that followed, several people began attending weekly group meditation sessions. Indeed, considering their spiritual richness and sincere longing for the teachings of a true Master, it is no wonder that Master has at last given a special blessing to the lucky people of the Dominican Republic.