Master Says

That love is what you have been looking for all your life. Through everything on this planet, everything, that looks like that love, looks similar or looks promising to that love, we run toward it, we sacrifice everything for that and then we get disappointed. All these things like, even drugs, or alcohol, all these are the illusionary promise of a better feeling for the whole family, but they are not real. They just make you feel worse afterwards, depleted mentally, physically and even make trouble for the whole family. But the real happiness we can find inside every day without having to pay anything, without having to sacrifice anything, and it only benefits more and more yourself and your family members and friends and whoever knows you.

Lacking this love, we do all kinds of silly things in this world because we think if we do this we will get that love. Inside our soul, we miss that love so much, we miss it so much, we know we got it before, and we know what Heaven is like because that is where we come from. Where else do you think we come from? (Audience: Cielo! [Spanish word for Heaven]) Heaven! Ya, ya, you're right. We came from God. God is our father, mother, and parent, so we sacrifice to get back to it. God is the only friend, the only source of all living things and non-living things in this planet and every other planet in the whole universe. God is the source of our happiness, our real Self, and without finding that, we will always be groping in darkness here, doing anything possible with all the physical means to obtain happiness we can not find.

Even the happiest relationship is always painted with something here. There is always a lot of effort to keep it and you don't even know if it lasts or not lasts. Even if it lasts, so much work has to be put into it, so much compromise, so much pain also. But the happiness from Heaven, the true happiness that exists within us, is everlasting. That's the happiness we should find, and it's so easy. Just like instead of reclining on the sofa in front of the TV, doing nothing, I'll just show you how to find that happiness within, while you are in resting or relaxing time.

Everyone finds a few hours to relax every day, don't they? You need a few hours to relax every day, That is the time when you can find God; it is very, very easy if you just know how. It's not like you have to work; you just sit there, you know, like you always sit after you're tired. You sit like this (Master leans back in Her seat), and close your eyes; just concentrate where I'll show you how, or you sit like this, I don't care, put your feet up in the air, also.


Enter the Everlasting "Hotel" of Heaven
We are All Children of God
It is Important to Practice in Time
The Source of Love
The Hotel of "Life" is Impermanent
Lay Not Up Your Treasures on Earth, but in Heaven
Questions and Answers: 1, 2, 3